French riots: how the police shooting of a minority teenager sparked a massive ongoing crisis

1. In the French suburb of Nanterre, Paris, a 17-year-old boy of Algerian descent, Nahel M, was shot at close range as he drove away from police, sparking discontent and widespread rioting over racial issues in France.
2. The police officer who fired the shot is under investigation for intentional homicide, and the French prosecutor found that the use of the gun was not legally justified.
3. The riots began on Tuesday and continued through the weekend, with serious social unrest such as fires, vandalism and looting in a number of cities across France, including town halls, schools and police stations that were set on fire.
4. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin revealed that 45,000 police officers had been deployed in response to the riots and that a large number of arrests continued to be made.
5. The riots triggered a wide-ranging discussion on issues such as parental responsibility for custody, government responsibility, and the code of conduct for the police. Minister Darmanin appealed to parents not to involve their children in the riots, and the Government took measures such as shutting down overnight public transportation and using armoured vehicles to assist law enforcement.
6. French President Emmanuel Macron called the shooting of Nahle "inexcusable", but this has caused dissatisfaction among police unions, who demanded that the police officers involved should be presumed innocent until found guilty.
7. Tweets from a police group praising the "amazing" police officers who "opened fire on a young criminal" and blaming Nahle's parents for his death sparked a public outcry and a statement from Interior Minister Darmanin that legal action would be taken against him. dealt with.
8. Nahleh's mother posted a video on social media expressing her deep pain and anger over her son's death, and she called on the public to participate in a march to honor her son's memory.

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