WP self-taught website builder Page 9
At Photon Academy, we specialize in providing high quality WordPress instruction to help you master every aspect of WordPress from basic to advanced. Our courses are designed to allow students to get hands-on and understand the power of WordPress, whether it's building a personal blog or a business website.
Using WPBakery Page Builder to achieve visual slide design - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, global reach, fast response

Visual Slideshow Design with WPBakery Page Builder

WPBakery Page Builder is a powerful visual editor that allows you to easily design and customize slideshows. This tutorial will guide you how to implement a visual slideshow design using WPBakery Page Builder. 1. Install WPBakery Page Builder First...
How to Optimize Image Loading to Improve WordPress Website Performance - Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Services, Worldwide, Fast Response

How to Optimize Image Loading to Improve WordPress Website Performance

Loading large images can significantly lengthen page load times, which in turn affects the user's browsing experience and can even affect SEO rankings. To optimize image loading, many WordPress users use page builder tools like Elementor. In this article, we'll detail how to optimize the loading of images with El...
How to Create a Multilingual WordPress Website with TranslatePress (01) - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Create a Multilingual WordPress Website with TranslatePress (01)

TranslatePress is one of the best WordPress translation plugins on the market. Usually, multi-language plugins will require creating multiple versions of the same post in order to translate it.TranslatePress can create translations at the same time. It can also use a live editor to translate all of the site's...
How to Easily Add Slideshows to WordPress: A Detailed Guide - Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Easily Add Slideshows to WordPress: A Detailed Guide

By adding a slideshow to your WordPress website, you can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your pages and increase user engagement. Slideshows are not only capable of displaying multiple images, but they can also dynamically display different types of content such as products, services, customer testimonials or limited time promotions. ...
How to Create Floating Contact Forms in WordPress with WPForms and OptinMonster - PhotonFluctuation.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Create Floating Contact Forms in WordPress with WPForms and OptinMonster

If you want to have more design control over floating contact forms, then the method described today is better for you. We'll use WPForms to create the form and OptinMonster to make it float on your WordPress site. WPForms is an easy to use drag...
How to Enable Breadcrumb Navigation on a WordPress Website: A Detailed Guide - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Enable Breadcrumb Navigation on a WordPress Website: A Detailed Guide

Breadcrumb navigation is often presented in the form of 'Home > Category > Products', providing users with a hierarchical path through the pages. It is especially helpful for e-commerce sites, blogs and content-intensive websites. In this article, we will detail how to WordPress website...
How to set up multi-language plug-ins in WordPress websites to enhance the international user experience - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response

How to set up a multilingual plugin in your WordPress website to enhance international user experience

In today's era of globalization, having a multilingual website is crucial for multinational companies or businesses that want to expand internationally. By making your website multilingual, you can better serve users from different regions, improve the user experience and increase your business reach...
Enhance WordPress CTA button interactive animation, quickly increase the conversion rate - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Scope, Quick Response

Enhance WordPress CTA Button Interactive Animations to Increase Conversions Quickly

The CTA (Call-to-Action) button is a crucial element in the process of optimizing your website for conversions. It directs the visitor to take an action, such as signing up, making a purchase, or subscribing. Adding the right interactive animation can greatly increase the user's click-through rate. In this article, we will give you...
How to improve website content organization and SEO through WordPress Taxonomy - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Improve Website Content Organization and SEO with WordPress Taxonomy

WordPress taxonomy is an important feature for organizing and managing website content, it helps webmasters to group and categorize posts to provide readers with a better navigational experience, and also helps search engines to better understand the content of the website, thus optimizing SEO results. In this detailed ...
Creating Floating Contact Forms in WordPress with UserFeedback - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

Creating Floating Contact Forms in WordPress with UserFeedback

Want to create a simple floating contact form with direct customization options in your WordPress website, then using a plugin is better for WordPress newbies. UserFeedback is a WordPress plugin that creates customized feedback forms, floating contact forms, and popup tunes...
WordPress Forms Troubleshooting Tips - Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response

WordPress Forms Troubleshooting Tips

Overview of WordPress Form Errors Forms build email lists, create secure user registrations, collect user feedback, and more. If forms don't work, you may lose potential customers and impact your site's SEO. Before we get to the troubleshooting tips, it's important to understand the common Word...
7 Most Popular WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins for 2024 - Photon Volatility Network | Professional WordPress repair service, global reach, fast response

7 Most Popular WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins for 2024

Many readers in our community are responding that spam is too much of a headache. They have left comments to see if there are any good anti-spam plugins, and would like to recommend a few. I have compiled a few popular anti-spam plug-ins below, some of which we ourselves are using, you can choose...
How to create a WordPress child theme (Beginner's Guide) - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Create a WordPress Child Theme (Beginner's Guide)

Child themes are WordPress themes that inherit functionality from other WordPress themes. Many administrators create child themes for their current theme so they can safely customize their site design without losing pre-update settings when the theme is updated. How do child themes work? To ...
Shopify and WordPress Integration Guide: Enabling Online Sales on Your WordPress Website - Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

Shopify and WordPress Integration Guide: Enabling Online Sales on Your WordPress Website

Shopify and WordPress are two powerful tools; Shopify is a best-in-class online sales platform and WordPress is the world's most popular website content management system. In this article, I'm going to dive into how to integrate Shopify with WordPress so that you...
How to change the sidebar in WordPress? -Photonfluctuation.com | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response

How do I change the sidebar in WordPress?

When to Change the Default Sidebar in WordPress A sidebar is a column on a WordPress website, usually located to the left or right of the main content area. In classic WordPress themes, this sidebar is essentially a widget area in which wor...
WordPress Sidebar Design Tips: Enhance Website Visual Effects and Usability - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, global reach, rapid response

WordPress Sidebar Design Tips: Improve Website Visuals and Usability

WordPress sidebars can attract visitors' attention, guide them through content, and more. Our team has been doing WordPress for many years, and we have a lot of experience and insights in WordPress sidebars. Today we share all of them with you, hope it will help you! Why customize...
Effective Ways to Solve Common WordPress Form Problems - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response

Effective Ways to Solve Common WordPress Form Problems

Forms are an important part of any WordPress website, they help you interact with visitors, collect contact information and increase user engagement. However, forms occasionally have issues that cause problems such as data not being collected properly and notification emails failing to be sent. These issues not only...
How to Fix WordPress "Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance" Error and Preventive Measures - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response!

How to Fix "Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance" Error in WordPress and Preventive Measures

When WordPress updates its core, themes, or plugins, the site automatically enters maintenance mode. During this process, WordPress creates a file called .maintenance that alerts visitors that the site is being updated. Normally, this mode ends quickly, through...
How to edit and optimize WordPress sub-theme template files and functions (detailed tutorial) - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response

How to Edit and Optimize WordPress Child Theme Template Files and Features (Detailed Tutorial)

Our tutorial in this installment is still about child themes. We talked earlier about how to create a child theme. Now, let's see how to edit the template files of a child theme, how to add new features to a child theme and how to fix some WordPress child theme issues. How to edit a child theme's...
How to use a plugin to create WordPress sub-block theme - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Create WordPress Subblock Themes Using Plugins

The case we used inside the previous post was a classic theme, this tutorial uses a block theme to create it. If using a block theme, then WordPress provides an easy way to create a child theme using the Create Block Theme plugin. First, you need to install and activate WordPre...
How to Update WordPress Themes without Losing Custom Settings - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Update WordPress Themes Without Losing Customizations

One of the great things about WordPress is the ease of customization. However, there is a downside, and that is that when updating a theme, there is a high risk of losing some of the customization settings that have been changed. In this tutorial, we'll show how to easily update a WordPress theme without losing customizations. WordPre...
Common WordPress Gutenberg (Gutenberg) editor problems and their solutions - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, global reach, fast response

Common WordPress Gutenberg Editor Issues and Their Solutions

WordPress replaced the old classic editor with a new content editor called Gutenberg in 2019. This editor uses blocks to create content in WordPress, so it's often called the "block editor". What is the WordPress Block Editor? WordPress...
How to add a different sidebar for each WordPress page or post - Photonwave.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Add a Different Sidebar for Each WordPress Page or Post

Adding custom sidebars to different pages or posts in WordPress can help improve the flexibility and user experience of your website. By configuring exclusive sidebars for different types of content, you can display more relevant information such as customized widgets, recommended content, ads, etc...
Seamless Integration of Third-Party APIs: A Detailed Guide to Enhancing the Functionality of Your WordPress Website - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

Seamless Third-Party API Integration: A Detailed Guide to Enhancing the Functionality of Your WordPress Website

A third-party API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of protocols, routines, and tools provided by external services or platforms that enable your WordPress website to interact with these external systems. This functionality allows a website to access and utilize the functionality or data of an external service without...
How to install and setup WP Super Cache for newbies? -Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response!

How to install and setup WP Super Cache for newbies?

A website that can be accessed quickly allows for an enhanced customer experience. It also facilitates SEO and improves the ranking of the website, Google search engine now makes the website speed as an important ranking factor. WP Super Cache is a popular plugin that...
How to clear cache in WordPress? -Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response

How do I clear the cache in WordPress?

Recently, I received a private message from a reader. He is just learning WordPress and asked us how to clear the cache in WordPress. All, today a tutorial dedicated to talk about "how to clear the cache in WordPress". What is the WordPress cache?...
How to Add Popup Forms in WordPress - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Add a Popup Form in WordPress

Popup forms are effective in grabbing users' attention and directing them to perform specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or completing a purchase, by displaying a popup window at the right time and place. In this detailed tutorial, we will guide you step-by-step on how to use WordPres...
2024: Which should I choose between Shopify and WordPress to build a website? -photonfluctuation.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response

2024: Which should I choose, Shopify or WordPress to build my website?

Hello everyone! A lot of friends have left comments about wanting to start building their own independent website. Many friends around me say that Shopify and WordPress are better. However, I am not familiar with these two platforms. So, in today's article, I will start from Shopify and WordPress descriptive features...
How to Add Title Attribute to WordPress Navigation Menu - Photon Fluctuation Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Fast Response

How to Add Title Attribute to WordPress Navigation Menu

In website design, the navigation menu is one of the main ways for users to interact with the website. To enhance the user experience, we can provide users with more background information about the menu items by adding a title attribute to the WordPress navigation menu. This not only helps users to better ge...
How to customize WordPress website colors? -Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Services, Worldwide, Fast Response

How do I customize the colors of my WordPress website?

What are WordPress themes? Can I change the theme colors? WordPress themes control the appearance of a website and the visual experience users have while using it. A typical WordPress theme is a set of pre-designed templates that can be installed on a website to change its...