Load Balancing Policy

  • In-Depth Analysis: Optimizing PHP Applications to Efficiently Handle MySQL High Concurrency

    Introduction As web applications become more and more performance-critical, optimizing PHP applications for highly concurrent MySQL access becomes a major challenge for developers. This article explores a number of strategies to provide concrete and practical solutions. Strategy 1: Efficient Use of Persistent Connections Persistent connections reduce the overhead of frequently establishing and closing database connections. Key points include: Strategy 2: Details of Caching Strategies 2.1 In-Memory Caching 2.2 Application-Level Caching Strategy 3: The Art of Database Index Optimization ...

    2023 December 14 - Server operation and maintenance
  • Website Traffic is a Flood, Load Balancing is Your Life Preserver: Everything is Under Control

    Imagine your website is a popular store in the midst of the Black Friday online shopping frenzy, and hordes of customers are lined up at your door, eager to get in and buy your merchandise. But here's the problem, your store can only hold so many customers, and if there are too many, the store will become crowded, the quality of service will decline, and you may even close down because you can't handle the excessive pressure. This is the kind of problem you can face with your website, especially when there is a huge increase in traffic. So, what do we do? Let's introduce a super-engineer called "load balancing"...

    June 8, 2023 - Server operation and maintenance

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