Website Speed Improvement

  • 10 Best Strategies to Optimize Your WooCommerce Site Speed, Increase Conversions & SEO Rankings

    A slow loading WooCommerce website can drive away potential customers and hurt your sales.WooCommerce website speed is also an important factor in WooCommerce SEO and Google search engine rankings. So how do you make sure your WooCommerce website is fast and efficient? How to Test Your Website Speed Before you start optimizing, you need to know your current website speed. Here are two of the most popular speed test tools: 1. Google P...

    2024 August 8 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • How to Optimize WordPress Website Performance

    When it comes to WordPress performance optimization, we can try the following. Install the theme and populate it with content When setting up our theme in a new WordPress installation, you'll usually import some dummy content. This content is designed to help you get your site up and running quickly and understand how it's built and configured. Because this content contains many images, pages, posts, and products that you may soon delete, they are not optimized for performance. Therefore, there is no need to measure the site's performance for this step. After installing the theme, you need to browse...

    July 9, 2024 - WordPress
  • Comprehensive Guide: How to Optimize WordPress Website Speed and Performance (I)

    The first step you can take on how to speed up WordPress is to use the Google Lighthouse tool to better familiarize yourself with the issues affecting your site. The second step is to compress images to reduce the time it takes to load the first colored pixel on your site. A quick estimate will show that on sites that provide a lot of image-based content, such a project will take about 3 months to complete. Once these initial steps have been taken to update your website and optimize its loading speed, you will immediately...

    2024 July 8 - WordPress
  • Best WordPress Image Compression Plugin Recommendations to Improve Website Speed

    When do you need WordPress image compression plugin? Images play a vital role on websites. However, image files are usually much larger than plain text, which means they take longer to load and can slow down a website. In order to increase the speed of your WordPress site, you need to optimize your images. Not only will this make your site load faster, it will also improve your WordPress SEO and help you get more traffic. This article will detail when you need to Wo...

    June 7, 2024 - WordPress Plugin

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