WordPress Optimization

  • Comprehensive Guide: How to Optimize WordPress Website Speed and Performance (I)

    The first step you can take on how to speed up WordPress is to use the Google Lighthouse tool to better familiarize yourself with the issues affecting your site. The second step is to compress images to reduce the time it takes to load the first colored pixel on your site. A quick estimate will show that on sites that provide a lot of image-based content, such a project will take about 3 months to complete. Once these initial steps have been taken to update your website and optimize its loading speed, you will immediately...

    2024 July 8 - WordPress
  • A Detailed Guide to Optimizing WordPress Website Performance with the WP Rocket Plugin

    How to Optimize WordPress Website Performance with WP Rocket Plugin In the modern internet environment, website loading speed and user experience are key factors in attracting and retaining visitors. For websites built with WordPress, installing a caching plugin is one of the effective ways to improve performance.WP Rocket is a highly acclaimed caching plugin known for its user-friendliness and high performance. In this article, we will detail how to install and configure WP Rocket to enhance the WordPress website's...

    2024 July 7 - WordPress Plugin
  • How to Effectively Delete and Manage WordPress Archived Pages to Improve SEO Performance

    Why delete archive pages? In some cases, deleting archive pages is necessary for website optimization and management. Here are some common reasons: Considerations for Deleting Archived Pages Before deleting an archived page, there are a few things to consider: How to Delete Archived Pages Without Hurting SEO While WordPress doesn't allow for the direct deletion of archived pages, there are a few workarounds you can take to manage them. Here are four ways: Method 1: Use AIOSEO Noindex archive pages (recommended...

    July 5, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Improve the Performance of Your WordPress Website with a CDN

    For WordPress websites, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an effective way to dramatically improve site loading speed and security. In this article, we'll go over how CDNs work, their benefits, and recommendations for some of the top WordPress CDN services. What is a CDN? A CDN is a global network of servers used to cache and store a website's static content (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript files, and images) in servers in different geographic locations. These servers are called...

    July 4, 2024 - WordPress
  • Best WordPress Plugins of 2024 (II)

    We talked about a few of the more useful WordPress plugins for 2024 earlier, mainly about form plugins and SEO plugins, see Best WordPress Plugins for 2024 (I) for more details. Today we will see what are the best security plugins, analytics plugins, and caching plugins for 2024. Security Plugins WordPress is often targeted by hackers due to its popularity. Security breaches can lead to data loss, downtime, and reputational damage. For any website, installing a strong...

    June 18, 2024 - WordPress Plugin
  • Add Image Focus Tool to WordPress Media Library

    What is the Image Focus Tool? The Image Focus Tool is a tool that allows you to quickly select the location of the main focus area of any image. By simply clicking on the image, you can easily determine exactly where the image's focus is located on the x and y axes. This x and y position can then be used in the background-position or object-position CSS properties. This way, the important parts of the image can be seen regardless of the screen size. Why Use the Image Focus Tool Typically, we...

    June 1, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to limit comment length in WordPress (simple tutorial)

    WordPress's comments feature encourages readers to start a discussion around the content of a post on the site. However, you may find that some comments are too short or rather long and don't contribute much to the discussion. Don't worry, next we'll show you how to easily limit the length of comments in WordPress to make the discussion more focused and effective. Why Limit Comment Length in WordPress? An active comment section is crucial for creating a community atmosphere on your WordPress blog. Here, visitors...

    2024 April 17 - WordPress
  • What does rel="noopener" mean in WordPress?

    rel="noopener" is an HTML attribute that is used when you add a link in WordPress and want it to open in a new browser tab. It is often used in conjunction with the rel="noreferrer" attribute, which was introduced in WordPress to fix a security hole that could be exploited by malicious websites. These two attributes enhance the security of your website against potential risks. There are JavaScript functions that allow...

    April 15, 2024 - WordPress

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