WordPress Troubleshooting

  • A Quick Guide to Fixing WordPress "Another Update is Currently in Progress" Errors

    When updating a core, plugin, or theme in WordPress, you will sometimes encounter an error message that says "Another update is currently in progress". This can prevent you from continuing with the update and leave your site in an unmodifiable state. This article will detail the cause of this error and provide several different fixes to get your site back up and running quickly. What Causes the "Another Update is Currently in Progress" Error? When you're updating the WordPress core, theme, or plugin, if the update doesn't complete successfully...

    5 days ago - WordPress
  • How to Fix WordPress 429 Too Many Requests Error

    Recently I was visiting the WordPress open source website https://wordpress.org时, and because of my VPN, I reloaded it a few times and always got a "429 Too Many Requests" error. This error message indicates that the user has sent too many HTTP requests to your web server. I figured I'd come across it anyway, so I thought I'd put together a tutorial just in case. What Causes WordPress 429 Too Many Requests Error? WordPre...

    August 21, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress

    What is a 502 Error Gateway Error? The "502 Error Gateway" error occurs when the server receives an invalid response from the requested page. This issue can be caused by a number of reasons and the error message may vary depending on your server. When a user visits a WordPress site, their browser sends a request to the server, which then retrieves the page and sends it back to the browser. If an error occurs, the browser will display an error status code, such as 502 Bad Gateway. 502 Error...

    August 21, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Fix WordPress "Add Media" Button Not Working Issue

    Interestingly enough, I was approached by a fan of Little Red Book who said that the WordPress "Add Media" button didn't work when he was editing a post. This is one of the more common WordPress issues. Let's put together a tutorial on how to fix it! What causes the WordPress "Add Media" button to fail? Most commonly there is a conflict between scripts or styles in a plugin or theme on a website, and the "Add Media" button in the classic WordPress editor can...

    August 20, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress Self-Learning: How to Fix WordPress RSS Feed Errors

    Most Common WordPress RSS Feed Errors Most common WordPress RSS feed errors are caused by improper formatting. WordPress outputs RSS feeds in a strict XML markup language. A missing line break or an extra tab can cause an error in an RSS feed on a WordPress blog. The RSS error message will look like this: Depending on the browser used, the RSS feed error message...

    2024 August 14 - WordPress
  • How to Fix WordPress RAM Exhaustion Error - Increase PHP Memory

    Ever encountered the error message of seeing memory size exhausted in WordPress? This is one of the most common WordPress errors and it can be easily fixed by increasing the PHP memory limit in WordPress. What is WordPress Running Out of Memory Error? If the website is having a hard time running tasks, you may see a message saying WordPress memory exhaustion error. WordPress is built using PHP, which is a program that requires internal...

    2024 August 11 - WordPress
  • Beginner's Guide: How to Fix Common WordPress Errors

    Many newcomers to WordPress will encounter some common WordPress errors. So, how do we go about troubleshooting WordPress errors? Don't worry, we will teach you how to troubleshoot the error step by step. 1. Study the Error Message Often, when encountering a WordPress problem, you will receive an error message in the Trying to Access Website tab, such as a 404 error. Other times, it will be in the WordPress admin area...

    2024 August 11 - WordPress
  • What to do when locked out of the WordPress admin backend (wp-admin)

    A common WordPress problem is also being locked out of the WordPress admin area. It's just not logging into the backend, which can be caused by many different reasons, which makes it hard for newbies to troubleshoot. If you are a website owner, then you can follow the troubleshooting steps we have provided below. There are multiple reasons for not being able to access the WordPress admin backend, check them out one by one, troubleshoot and find a solution to the problem. Error while establishing database connection Ever looked at every page of the website...

    2024 August 9 - WordPress
  • How to Fix Sidebar Error Below Content in WordPress

    When WordPress templates use a two-column layout to display content and sidebars, a "Sidebar below tolerance error" may occur. Due to a slight change in the code, the sidebar starts appearing below the content instead of next to it. What causes WordPress sidebar content errors? The most common reason for a sidebar to appear below the content is an HTML or CSS error that breaks the layout. Each of the HTML<div>The tabs all need to be closed correctly. If the negative...

    2024 August 8 - WordPress
  • How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress

    Internal Server Error is one of the most common WordPress errors. Sometimes when we open a web page, we see that the page prompts 500 Internal Server Error! So, what is this exactly? And how to solve it? Let's take a look at it together! What is 500 Internal Server Error? 500 Internal Server Error is a common web server error. It is not unique to WordPress and can happen to any website. The 500 in the error message is technically...

    August 5, 2024 - WordPress

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