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WordPress 6.6 Coming Soon: Highlights of New Features and Improvements
Scheduled for release on July 16, 2024, WordPress 6.6 will optimize and enhance several features from previous releases while introducing many new features to further advance Phase 3 of WordPress development. The new release includes 299 core tickets, 392 enhancements...
What you need to know about WordPress 6.6?
The next major version of WordPress, 6.6, is scheduled for a July 16, 2024 release. It won't be as developer-centric as WordPress 6.5, but there's still a lot to be excited about: improvements to existing APIs, community blueprints, and extended global style changes...
What's new in WordPress 6.6?
The final release date for WordPress 6.6 is expected to be July 16, 2024. This version focuses on sophistication and refinement. Features from previous versions have new flexibility and smoother flow, as well as some new tricks. And of course there are some brand new features. Today take a brief...
WordPress 6.6 Development Cycle
Following the release of WordPress 6.5.2, which had 2 bug fixes for Core, 12 bug fixes for the block editor, and 1 security fix, WordPress officials have made it clear that WordPress version 6.5.2 is a short-cycle release, and have released WordP...