SEO optimizationTotal 13 articles
开源 CMS 与 SEO:怎样确保你的内容能被 Google 快速收录-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Open Source CMS and SEO: How to make sure your content is indexed quickly by Google

How to get your open source CMS website (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal) accepted by Google quickly? This guide explains SEO best practices in detail, including sitemap submission, robots.txt configuration, URL structure optimization, application of structured data, site load speed improvement, etc....
新手如何取消发布 WordPress 页面和帖子-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Unpublish WordPress Pages and Posts for Newbies

Learn how to unpublish pages, posts, or entire sites in WordPress, including methods such as using draft mode, private mode, password-protected, and maintenance mode, as well as best practices for minimizing the impact on SEO.
8款必备关键词研究工具,助力SEO流量增长-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

8 Essential Keyword Research Tools to Help Grow SEO Traffic

Discover 8 powerful keyword research tools to help you boost your SEO results. This article covers tools such as Semrush, Google Search Console, Ahrefs and more for different SEO needs to help you boost your website traffic and rankings.
November 30, 21:20
WordPress 多语言怎么设置(优化网站SEO)-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

WordPress Multi-language how to set up (optimize website SEO)

Understanding the main differences between multilingual setups and page translations for WordPress websites and their impact on SEO, user experience, and search engine visibility helps you choose a more appropriate way to optimize your website.
提交站点地图提升网站抓取速度:全面的WordPress教程-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Submitting a sitemap to improve site crawling speed: a comprehensive WordPress tutorial

Submitting a sitemap is an important step in improving your website's SEO performance and speeding up Google's crawling and indexing of your website's content. By submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console, you can better manage your website's performance on search engines. What is a sitemap...
怎么结合工具分析并且优化已经上线一段时间的网站(详细教程)-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to combine tools to analyze and optimize a website that has been online for a while (detailed tutorial)

Hello everyone! The previous tutorial gave you a compendium of the basic principles of SEO and basic optimization and search engine site map (sitemap) submission. Specific details, you can refer to the basic SEO optimization: from the principles of SEO to submit a site map (detailed tutorial). Next, ...
转址(重定向)是什么?什么情况下需要转址(重定向)?-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

What is redirection? When is redirection (redirection) necessary?

"Redirection" is a process of directing the URL from page A to page B, through which users are directed to the page we want to present. Usually, we will set up redirection in the following five cases: 1. Website revamp and relocation When we build a new website and need to relocate...
域名301跳转(重定向):详解其重要性及实现方法-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Domain name 301 jump (redirection): explain the importance and realization of the method

In the field of Internet marketing and website building, "domain name 301 jump" is a very important concept. Understanding and mastering its meaning and application is crucial for a webmaster or an internet marketer. In this article, we will explain in detail the "Domain 301 Jump"...
创建SEO友好的URL最佳实践-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Best Practices for Creating SEO Friendly URLs

Optimizing your URL structure is crucial to improving SEO rankings and user experience. In this post, we'll cover how to create SEO-friendly URL structures so that both search engines and users can easily understand and access your pages. What are SEO-friendly URLs? SEO-friendly URLs...
如何通知搜索引擎和用户关于WordPress域名更换的信息-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Notify Search Engines and Users About WordPress Domain Changes

Changing your WordPress domain name should be done carefully, as it can significantly affect website traffic and SEO performance. To ensure a smooth transition and minimize the impact on search engine rankings and user experience, it's important to notify search engines and users in a timely manner. Let's look at what it takes to notify search...
如何撰写高质量的SEO友好文章-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Write Quality SEO Friendly Articles

Writing high-quality SEO-friendly articles is crucial to boosting website traffic and search engine rankings. A good SEO article should not only cater to the search engine algorithms, but also to the needs of the readers. Let's take a look at how to write high-quality SEO-friendly articles, including key...
如何正确将 HTML 页面上传到 WordPress 并避免 404 错误-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Upload HTML Pages to WordPress Correctly and Avoid 404 Errors

In some cases, it may be necessary to upload HTML pages to your WordPress site. For example, there may be static HTML pages from an older site or a particularly favorite static template that you wish to integrate into your current site. However, simply uploading HTML pages to WordPr...
在新时代下的SEO优化:搜索引擎与ChatGPT的优劣分析和建议-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

SEO optimization in the new era: analysis of advantages and disadvantages of search engines and ChatGPT and recommendations

When it comes to search engines and ChatGPT, they each have different advantages and uses. Search engines are one of the most important information retrieval tools on the internet, they provide users with a wide and deep range of information and in many ways help them find what they need....