Magento 2Total 3 articles
如何在 Magento 2 中设置和配置店内自取功能:详细操作指南-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Setup and Configure In-Store Pickup in Magento 2: A Detailed How-To Guide

This article will teach you how to set up and configure in-store pickup in Magento 2 to help customers choose pickup locations at checkout, reduce shipping costs and enhance the shopping experience. The default configuration method and the settings implemented through plugin extensions are described in detail.
November 29, 11:53
如何在本地用 XAMPP 安装和配置 Magento 2-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Install and Configure Magento 2 Locally with XAMPP

Magento 2 is a very powerful e-commerce platform, but its server requirements are complex, in particular the need to install it via Composer (which is a PHP package management system), which is not the default configuration on many platforms. If you want to set up a local open...
November 28th 15:00
Magento 2:是你的团队下一部‘大制作’吗?-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Magento 2: Is it your team's next 'big production'?

Magento 2, like a big-budget movie in the movie industry, has glossy special effects, rich plot lines, and fascinating characters. But, just like making a Hollywood blockbuster, you need a team of skilled people, a generous budget, and plenty of patience...