BoxShop Theme Settings

  • Comprehensive analysis of BoxShop theme settings: make your website design better (06)

    In this installment, we'll dive into the various settings of the BoxShop theme to help you make the most of this powerful WordPress theme and make your website look and function optimally. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned webmaster, with this guide you'll learn how to set up the key options in the theme and easily customize a professional website that meets your needs. Steps: backend of the site → Appearance → Theme Options This is all the options of the theme As shown above G...

    2024 August 13 - Boxshop Theme
  • How to Create Dynamic Website Posters with Slider Revolution in BoxShop Theme (03)

    In this installment, we talk about setting up a poster (banner) with the BoxShop theme, which is actually quite simple, and like the previously mentioned Basel theme setup, this tool not only provides an easy-to-use interface, but also ensures that the poster is displayed perfectly on all devices. Next, we will detail how to set up the BoxShop theme for posters to ensure that you can easily add visual appeal to your website. Steps: website backend → Slider Revolution → select the slider, which is the poster bann...

    August 4, 2024 - Boxshop Theme

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