网站安全与优化Total 2 articles
如何在 WordPress 中编辑 wp-config.php 文件-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Edit wp-config.php File in WordPress

Many of our previous tutorials have mentioned editing the "wp-config.php" file when resolving issues. This file is very important as it controls key WordPress settings, especially for security, performance and troubleshooting. So, when modifying this file...
如何使用插件清除WordPress中的缓存修复“插件从 WordPress 仪表板消失”的问题-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

How to Fix "Plugins Disappearing from WordPress Dashboard" Issue by Clearing WordPress Cache with Plugin

Why Plugins Disappear from WordPress Dashboard? When a plugin is suddenly deactivated and disappears from your site, it can be a struggle to use the functionality provided by the plugin. This can lead to a poor user experience. For example, if your contact form plugin disappears, users in...