Gutenberg Editor

  • A Guide to the Gutenberg Module and Patterns Patterns for Quick Typography Homepage (05)

    In the last installment, we discussed WordPress default theme with Gutenberg editor header settings. In this installment, we will take you to understand how to quickly layout your homepage with Gutenberg. If you find it too tedious to add modules one by one (such as header, text, buttons, images, etc.), then this post will teach you how to quickly lay out your homepage with the help of Patterns in Gutenberg to simplify the design process. Whether you are a personal blog site, or an e-commerce site...

    2024 September 10 - WP Theme Decoration
  • Gutenberg editor decoration guide: menu additions and theme switching compatibility details (04)

    In this article, we'll take you on an in-depth tour of how to use the Gutenberg editor to furnish and design your WordPress site. Whether you use the default theme, or use another theme first and then switch to the default theme, Gutenberg can help you realize flexible layout and module configuration. In this article, we will explain in detail how to add menus, handle compatibility issues with different themes, and help you get started quickly with practical steps. Whether you want to make a blog news site (pictured below) default theme ...

    2024 September 10 - WP Theme Decoration
  • WooCommerce Blocks: Add WooCommerce functionality to your WordPress site!

    WooCommerce Blocks help webmasters create customized store pages, showcase your products, and add advanced eCommerce features like filtering and searching, and more, all without writing a single line of code. By default, many of the blocks come with WooCommerce, but a few of the newer blocks do not. These new blocks can be used in the WooCommerce store by installing the WooCommerce Blocks WordPress plugin. Explore Wo...

    April 20, 2024 - WooCommerce Plugin

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