• Bricks Themes Explained: Fast, Efficient, and Flexible Website Builders (01)

    When building a WordPress website, choosing the right theme is critical for performance, load speed, and design flexibility. In recent years, the Bricks theme has quickly stood out as a popular choice for developers due to its built-in visual page builder, clean code structure, and excellent customization capabilities. So, what are the unique advantages of Bricks theme? In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, and why it has won the trust of users in a short period of time. 1. What is ...

    4 days ago - Bricks Theme
  • In-depth analysis of Avada theme special modules: product rotation, product grid and image hotspot (05)

    In the last installment, we explored the basic module setup in Avada theme. Today, we'll move on to some of the more specialized modules, such as the WooCommerce Product Rotator, Product Grid, and Image Hotspot modules. These modules provide more flexible options for displaying products and functional features, so that your website can display content in a richer and more diverse way. Next, let's dive into the settings and application scenarios of these special modules If we need to display products, we can choose...

    4 days ago - Avada Theme
  • Comprehensive analysis of Avada theme homepage layout and container setting tips (04)

    When using Avada theme, many newbies may be confused about its homepage layout, especially in the selection and setting of containers and modules. Compared with other page builders such as Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder, Avada theme's built-in editor provides a more intuitive and efficient way of layout. In this post, we will explain in detail how to do homepage layout in Avada, to help you quickly get started and master the skills of container and module settings. Steps: Website Frontend → Ed...

    5 days ago - Avada Theme
  • A Guide to the Gutenberg Module and Patterns Patterns for Quick Typography Homepage (05)

    In the last installment, we discussed WordPress default theme with Gutenberg editor header settings. In this installment, we will take you to understand how to quickly layout your homepage with Gutenberg. If you find it too tedious to add modules one by one (such as header, text, buttons, images, etc.), then this post will teach you how to quickly lay out your homepage with the help of Patterns in Gutenberg to simplify the design process. Whether you are a personal blog site, or an e-commerce site...

    6 days ago - WP Theme Decoration
  • Gutenberg editor decoration guide: menu additions and theme switching compatibility details (04)

    In this article, we'll take you on an in-depth tour of how to use the Gutenberg editor to furnish and design your WordPress site. Whether you use the default theme, or use another theme first and then switch to the default theme, Gutenberg can help you realize flexible layout and module configuration. In this article, we will explain in detail how to add menus, handle compatibility issues with different themes, and help you get started quickly with practical steps. Whether you want to make a blog news site (pictured below) default theme ...

    6 days ago - WP Theme Decoration
  • How to set the homepage image and slider of Avada theme: detailed tutorial (03)

    In modern website design, images and sliders on the homepage are one of the key elements that catch the visitor's eye. Using sliders not only enhances the dynamics of your website, but also better showcases the core content and visual information. As a powerful WordPress theme, Avada theme comes with an editor and several slider tools, allowing you to realize rich image and slider effects without the need for third-party plugins. This issue of the article will tell you how to use the Avada theme to set up the home page images and slider, to help you get started quickly, to create a more attractive...

    2024 September 8 - Avada Theme
  • How to set up menus and mega menus in Avada theme: detailed tutorial (02)

    Welcome to this tutorial, today we will tell you in detail how to set up the Normal Menu and Mega Menu in Avada theme. Although the normal menu is relatively simple to set up, we will not repeat, if you want to understand, you can refer to the Basel theme's menu settings. This time, we will focus on the Mega Menu, which has been updated in the new version of Avada to make it more convenient and flexible. Whether you are a novice or an experienced user, this article will provide you with practical steps to operate...

    September 5, 2024 - Avada Theme
  • Mastering the Gutenberg Editor: Practical Tips and Advanced Features (03)

    In this post, we're going to continue our in-depth look at WordPress' Gutenberg editor, highlighting some advanced features and useful tips to help you further enhance your content creation. From adding anchors and custom styles to Blocks, to using different types of important Blocks, we'll break down step-by-step how these features can help you achieve a more flexible and professional page layout. Whether you want to create more engaging blog posts or optimize your page for user experience and SEO,...

    September 2, 2024 - WP Theme Decoration
  • How to Write Blog Posts Using WordPress Default Theme and Gutenberg Editor (02)

    In this post, we'll dive into how to write blog posts using WordPress' default theme and the Gutenberg Editor. The Gutenberg Editor, WordPress' built-in editor, provides a flexible and intuitive content creation experience through the use of the Block system. Whether you're new to WordPress or an experienced user, this guide will help you fully utilize the power of the Gutenberg Editor...

    September 2, 2024 - WP Theme Decoration
  • Comprehensive analysis of the Avada theme: features, installation and template import tutorial (01)

    Today we will talk about Avada Theme Welcome to this WordPress tutorial, today we will delve into the power of Avada theme and how to use it. As a popular multi-purpose theme, Avada provides website builders with great flexibility and rich options for configuration. Whether it's a blog, a corporate website, or an e-commerce platform, Avada provides you with a full range of solutions.Avada has a powerful theme options panel and an intuitive page builder that allows users to...

    September 2, 2024 - Avada Theme

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