WordPress Information

  • WordPress Website Upgrade Guide: How to Migrate from HTTP to Secure HTTPS

    Planning to upgrade your WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPS? A lot of people are interested in this, especially after Google announced that starting July 2018, Chrome will mark websites that don't have an SSL certificate installed as insecure. This article will teach you how to add an SSL certificate to your WordPress website to safely complete the migration from HTTP to HTTPS. If you don't know much about SSL or HTTPS, don't worry, I'll detail it from start to finish...

  • WordPress website form inquiry function completely optimized operation steps

    For WordPress websites that specialize in international trade, especially for corporate clients (B2B), the form inquiry feature is critical. This feature has a direct impact on the conversion rate of potential customers from just browsing website content to actually initiating a business inquiry. In short, an effective form inquiry function can help you better capture and convert interested visitors. 1、What is WordPress Form Inquiry The WordPress form inquiry feature is like an inbox on your website, its main...

  • How to send WordPress website inquiries to a specific email address in real time

    Every website needs an inquiry form that makes it easy for visitors to contact you about the products and services you offer.WordPress doesn't offer inquiry forms directly by default, but fortunately, you can easily add one and don't need to write any code at all. This article will guide you on how to quickly set up an inquiry form in your WordPress website. Step 1: Choose the Best WordPress Contact Form Plugin First, you need to pick a suitable WordPress contact form plugin. Although...

  • How to create a Baidu and Google compatible sitemap for WordPress (Sitemap)

    WordPress is a great open source platform for Baidu and Google SEO optimization, and creating a sitemap is one of the most important tools for improving the SEO of your WordPress website. A sitemap helps visitors and search engines better understand your website structure. Understanding sitemaps is very helpful in further developing your WordPress website. It not only enhances the user experience, but also ensures that search engines can crawl your website content accurately. In this article, we will explain in detail why WordPre...

  • WordPress Guide: Steps to Setting Up a Multi-User Admin Site

    WordPress developers and webmasters can use user roles to detail the permissions that each person has to operate in a WordPress site, for example, setting Role A to only publish a specific type of product, Role B to publish another type of product, and Role C to specialize in publishing blog posts.WordPress allows you to assign each user different permissions levels. We'll explain why these roles are important, describe the different roles and their permissions, and how to create and modify user profiles, also...

  • How to Improve Website Security with WordPress Activity Logs

    You can add activity logging functionality to your WordPress site by installing a plugin and can easily manage various settings from the dashboard. Fortunately, this approach is very affordable. Especially for WP Action Log, this is one of the most popular options on the market as it is very powerful in terms of features and functionality. In this post, we'll cover how to set up a WordPress security audit log using this popular and full-featured plugin. But before we dive in, let's figure out...

    2024 March 25
  • WordPress Tutorial: Easy Steps to Add Video to Your Website

    You can add videos to your WordPress pages or posts in several ways. It's possible to embed a video from a video hosting service, such as AliCloud or YouTube, or upload a video directly from your server. Each method has its own benefits, which we'll explain in detail in this guide. In this post, we'll show you how to upload a video to your WordPress media library and then how to add it to your post or page. Adding Video to WordPress: the Basics In our deep...

  • WordPress Tutorial: Steps to Add MP3 Audio Files to Your Website

    Audio files are often used on blogs. Common audio formats include MP3, M4A, OGG, and WAV. 1 Adding Audio Blocks To add audio to your post, simply click on the plus (+) icon in the top left corner of the editor. Once clicked, a menu for selecting different blocks of content will appear. 2 Select "Audio" Scroll down the Block Browser and click on the heading "Public Blocks", then select "Audio". 3 Adding your audio You can add audio in three ways: 4 Aligning the audio player Adding an audio file...

  • WordPress Website Tutorial: Adding an Efficient Inquiry Button (CTA)

    Many B2B websites set specific goals, such as wanting people to inquire about a product or sign up for an email list. In order to accomplish these goals, you need to encourage visitors to take action, which requires adding an inquiry button to WordPress. A call-to-action (CTA) is a special element on a website that directs people to perform an action, such as clicking on a highlighted text, button, or filling out a form. A good CTA needs to be well-designed and placed in the right place in order to effectively grab people's attention and promote...

  • WordPress Beginner's Guide: How to Create a Blog Post

    If you have a WordPress site but haven't started blogging with it yet, you may be missing out on some benefits. In fact, companies with blogs get 67% more leads than companies without blogs, and blogs can also dramatically improve a website's SEO performance. The good news is that creating a blog on WordPress is very simple. 1. add a new post. To start your WordPress blog, the first step is to create a post. We've provided a simple example to guide you through getting started. First, log in to your wo...

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