Plugin News Page 2
Premium Addons for Elementor 4.10.53 更新:新增 WooCommerce 迷你购物车小工具,提升兼容性与修复问题-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Premium Addons for Elementor 4.10.53 更新:新增 WooCommerce 迷你购物车小工具,提升兼容性与修复问题

4.10.53 新功能:添加了 WooCommerce 迷你购物车小部件 –这里。 调整:与 Elementor Elements 缓存功能兼容。 调整:为动画文本小部件添加“在页面加载/滚动时加载动画”。 已修复:旋转木马箭...
Element Pack Lite 5.10.1 更新:新增功能与修复详情-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Element Pack Lite 5.10.1 更新:新增功能与修复详情

增加 在 Cookie 同意小部件中添加了“关闭”按钮隐藏和位置选项 在 Accordion 小部件中添加了关闭移动设备上所有项目的功能 静态轮播小部件中添加了内容样式控件 固定的 JS 依赖问题已修复
JetMenu 2.4.5 更新:增强功能与关键修复解析-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

JetMenu 2.4.5 Update: Enhancements and Critical Fixes Explained

补充:填充 svg 图标选项 更新:小部件图标 已修复:超级菜单容器宽度错误 已修复:菜单项背景颜色应用于移动设备上的错误菜单项(Safari 问题) 已修复:悬停在 Mega Menu 小部件的子菜单中时...
Element Pack Pro 7.17.1 更新:新增功能与修复问题提升用户体验-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Element Pack Pro 7.17.1 Update: New Features and Fixes to Enhance User Experience

Element Pack Pro Version 7.17.1 Released New Features Improvements Make Fixed Element Pack Additions Added "Close" button hide and position option in Cookie Agreements Widget Added ability to close all items on mobile devices in Accordion Widget Static Rotation...
All in One SEO 4.7.3 最新更新:抓取优化、插件兼容性增强与多项修复-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

All in One SEO 4.7.3 Latest Update: Crawl Optimization, Plugin Compatibility Enhancements & Multiple Fixes

New in All in One SEO version 4.7.3 Update: The "?replytocom" query parameter for comment reply links is now removed by default to optimize crawl quota. Update: Added support for Salient WPBakery plugin. Update: Added new filter to allow...
Elementor Ultimate Addons版本 1.36.39更新改进-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Elementor Ultimate Addons Version 1.36.39 Updates and Improvements

Elementor Ultimate Addons version 1.36.39 IMPROVEMENTS: Navigation Menu - Improved accessibility of popup menu layout. FIXED: Business Review - Autoplay speed setting appeared with an undefined array key warning. Navigation Menu - When moving between pages, live...
Element Pack Pro 7.17.0:全新小部件功能与重要修复改进-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Element Pack Pro 7.17.0: New Widget Features and Important Fixes and Improvements

Element Pack Pro 版本 7.17.0 发布新功能改进使固定元素包 额外 添加了 Cookie 同意小部件样式控件 面板滑块小部件中添加了匹配填充选项 高级进度条小部件中添加了动画延迟功能 为图像折叠小部...
JetSearch 3.5.4 更新:优化 AJAX 搜索与兼容性修复-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

JetSearch 3.5.4 Update: Optimized AJAX Searching & Compatibility Fixes

JetSearch 3.5.4 Add: add suggestions after selecting a post in the AJAX search results area; Fix: fix product variants appearing in search results when the product is hidden in the search; Fix: TranslatePress compatibility; Fix: minor issue.
October 9, 10:54
Astra Pro 4.8.3 更新:新增功能、改进细节及关键修复-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Astra Pro 4.8.3 Update: New Features, Improved Details and Critical Fixes

Astra Pro 4.8.3 Update Highlights Astra Pro 4.8.3 brings a host of new features, improvements and fixes to enhance the website building experience for users. New Features Added option to disable quantity updates from WooCommerce mini cart. Provides the ability to customize the page width...
crocoblock 2024.09.27更新:JetElements 2.7.0与JetEngine 3.5.6的内容-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

crocoblock 2024.09.27 update: JetElements 2.7.0 with JetEngine 3.5.6

JetElements 2.7.0 added: https: // added: added : Compatible with Elementor 3.24 Added: ...
UnlimitedElements for Elementor v1.5.124 更新:提升设计灵活性与新增功能-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

UnlimitedElements for Elementor v1.5.124 更新:提升设计灵活性与新增功能

UnlimitedElements for Elementor,版本 1.5.124 插件更改:* 修复:修复动态循环中的备用模板空输出* 修复:修复在某些情况下隐藏分类选择的问题小部件更改:* 功能:远程下拉菜单(专业版) -...
Elementor Ultimate Addons 1.36.37 版本更新:提升页面性能与功能优化-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Elementor Ultimate Addons version 1.36.37 update: page performance improvements and feature optimizations

Improvement: Compatible with the latest Elementor and Elementor Pro 3.24 versions. Implemented widget output caching to enhance page performance. Provided "Auto Align Buttons" for Woo product and post widgets. Navigation Menu - When the navigation menu container is on a small screen...
TranslatePress 2.8.3 更新:修复多站点翻译错误与WooCommerce通知问题-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

TranslatePress 2.8.3 更新:修复多站点翻译错误与WooCommerce通知问题

Translate Multilingual sites – TranslatePress 2.8.3 修正了多站点中的错误,导致某些字符串的目标子站点表不正确 修正了 TranslatePress 编辑器铅笔图标在某些情况下位置不正确的问题 修复...
JetSearch 集成 CCT 提供商及 WordPress 插件更新与修复详解-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

JetSearch Integration with CCT Providers and WordPress Plugin Updates and Fixes Detailed

JetEngine 3.5.5 added: CCT. registered CCT provider for JetSearch; added: Bricks. {je_current_object_field} dynamic markup; UPD: Taxonomy: allow query_var parameter to be set to taxonomy slug; fixed: Bricks. Components...
Essential Addons forElementor 高级功能-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Essential Addons forElementor Advanced Features

v6.0.4 Improvements: EA Dynamic Galleries | Added support for ACF galleries Fixed: Animation conflict with Elementor Fixed: EA Offcanvas | Offcanvas menu delay when closing Some minor bug fixes and improvements
September 20, 17:24
Element Pack Pro 7.15.6 更新:新增图表功能和多项修复优化-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Element Pack Pro 7.15.6 Update: New Charting Features and Several Fixes and Optimizations

Element Pack Pro version 7.15.6 added Legend, xAxes and yAxes font size options added to Charts widget Fixed reCAPTCHA in webhook form widget Fixed JS loading issue in extensions Fixed (tooltips, particles, animations...
Astra Pro 4.8.1 更新:优化翻译功能,修复多项问题-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Astra Pro 4.8.1 Update: Optimized Translation Functions, Fixed Several Issues

Astra Pro 4.8.1 Update This release brings several improvements and fixes to enhance your experience: Improvements: Translation feature: You can now translate strings stored in the Astra settings database. Fix: WooCommerce Quick View: Astra Pro Quick View...
BricksUltimate 1.7.1修复多个问题-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

BricksUltimate 1.7.1 Fixes Multiple Issues

Release 1.7.1 on September 5, 2024, tested against WP 6.5+, Bricks 1.9+, PHP 8.1+, and WC 9+ * FIXED - Custom endpoint content was not showing up on the My Account page due to some special settings. * FIXED - Sample activity status...
Bricks 版本 1.10.2:如何通过过滤器添加额外的 HTML 标签(如 form 和 select)-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Bricks version 1.10.2: How to add additional HTML tags (like form and select) via filters

Version 1.10.2Bricks limits allowed HTML tags to WordPress core logic wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ). This results in the following ready-made HTML tags being allowed: address, a, abbr, acronym, area, article, aside, a...
BetterLinks v2.1.1已发布,修复更多错误-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

BetterLinks v2.1.1 has been released, fixes more bugs

最新v2.1.1 已修复:致命错误 - 未捕获的 TypeError 问题 一些小错误修复和改进 回顾v2.1.0,使用 BetterLinks 进行参数跟踪 BetterLinks引入了参数跟踪功能,旨在简化你的链接跟踪管理。此功能...
Amelia 7.7.1 更新:优化 Stripe 集成并修复多项预订和安全问题-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Amelia 7.7.1 Update: Optimized Stripe Integration and Fixed Multiple Booking and Security Issues

Amelia version 7.7.1 (July 30, 2024) Updated with a number of improvements and bug fixes: Improvements: Improved Stripe Integration - Connection to Stripe Customer and Address field options Improvements: Added the possibility of selecting the total number of people logic in the calculation of a single booking, updating...
September 13, 10:04
BetterDocs Pro v3.4.5 更新:修复热门文档问题并引入高级搜索功能-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

BetterDocs Pro v3.4.5 Update: Fixes Popular Document Issues and Introduces Advanced Search Features

BetterDocs Prov 3.4.5 Fixed: Popular Documents widget shows draft documents in the list. Improved: Added advanced search in search block. IMPROVED: Added "box per tab" option in BetterDocs Tab View List Elementor widget...
September 13, 09:56
Astra 4.8:全新风格指南与强大功能改进解析-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

Astra 4.8: New Style Guide and Powerful Feature Improvements Explained

Quick Summary Astra 4.8 update is now available! Get to know the new Astra Style Guide. It simplifies site customization and gives you one-stop access to changing colors, buttons, fonts, and site titles and logos. It saves time and ensures a consistent look. Check out this more...
AIOSEO 4.7.0 与 4.7.1 更新概述:关键字排名跟踪器与更多新功能-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

AIOSEO 4.7.0 & 4.7.1 Update Overview: Keyword Ranking Tracker & More New Features

Do you want to closely monitor how your content performs for specific keywords? AIOSEO version 4.7.0 has introduced the Keyword Rank Tracker. This powerful new feature of the Search Stats module will allow you to track keyword results very easily from within your WordPress dashboard....
ACF 6.3.6 版本更新:增强内容编辑器字段值访问安全性-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应

ACF Version 6.3.6 Update: Enhanced Security for Content Editor Field Value Access

Field Value Access in Content Editors ACF shortcodes are a way for content editors to access ACF field values when creating and displaying article content. The latest version of ACF has made significant improvements to the security of ACF shortcodes, and to further improve this, ACF shortcodes default to...