Search for: FTP

  • How to Customize WordPress Login Page: A Detailed Guide to Enhance Brand Image and User Experience

    By default, visitors to your site see the same login page that administrators use. While this page is fully functional, the design is very simple, leaving a lot of white space with the WordPress logo right in the center. It does little to support your brand or provide a user-friendly experience for visitors. Creating a custom login page is a relatively simple improvement you can make to your WordPress website. In this article, we'll discuss the advantages of WordPress custom login pages, between...

    2024 July 23 - WordPress
  • What happens when you activate a theme

    I would like to change the current theme to a new theme. I already have a live preview of my favorite theme. So what happens if I activate the theme? Will I lose the previous theme? Can I revert to the previous theme? Is the content lost? I assume the content will be retained and just rearrange the content to best match the new theme and look - right? My current theme is Modular, and I know it's outdated and may soon be unsupported.

    July 22, 2024
  • Site locked

    Trying to access the localhost wp-login I get a message saying Your access to this site has been temporarily limited by the site owner I created a user on the portal to test some smtp plugins but now it fails I can't connect to the site xamp It is running with appache and mysql

    July 22, 2024
  • FTP account for updates

    I have a client who has a standalone WordPress site for an intranet that I can't update to the latest version. It asks for an FTP account, but no one seems to have one, and none of the admin accounts seem to work. I did find information about adding the "FS_Method, direct" option to the wp-config.php file to update it manually, but the file is locked under the "apache" account and cannot be modified. Is there any way...

    July 22, 2024
  • Migrating site structure but not content

    I need to export/migrate the site structure (themes, plugins, settings) to my local environment for some offline testing. The site is large (> 20k posts) so I don't want (or need) to export the content. Does the built-in import/export tool provide this flexibility, or is it a plugin or WP-CLI option?

    July 22, 2024
  • Changing the Bakery plugin

    On my localhost I installed a theme with the WPBakery plugin that also came with Ultimate Addons. later I was impressed with another theme that came with the same version of bakery + Ultimate plugin. I uninstalled the previous combo and installed the new one, but the elements remain the same. Is there something that goes into the database that needs to be removed before installing another addon?

    July 20, 2024
  • Wordfence fatal error: unknown: need to open failed

    I have lost the 2FA authentication application for the site and therefore cannot authenticate when logging in. I looked online and used the advice given in a number of places, such as renaming or deleting the Wordfence folder, removing references to wordfence in .user.ini, and deleting the file wordfence-waf.php in the root folder. After deleting all the links pointing to Wordfence and deleting the plugin, I am now getting this message ( From my mistake...

    July 20, 2024
  • Local site error: alt attribute is empty for this image

    Cloned my website to a local Windows PC and I am using Local WP (no WAMP installed). Although I see all the images on the front page of the site, when I go to edit a post I get the above error and the image does not display. At first I suspected that the URLs for the images still had my .com address, but that is not the case. They are stored in a local folder. So far I've tried: turning off internet access to test if the path is still online and not local Stopping each one individually...

    July 20, 2024
  • How to Migrate a WordPress Website from Windows to Mac

    Since my site was created on a Windows PC localhost, I have been trying to move the site from the old localhost (Windows) to the new localhost (Mac). At first, I thought this would work like moving the site from the localhost to a domain, but I failed. Does anyone here know how to move a localhost site from a Windows computer to a MacBook? I would like to continue editing the site on the MacBook.

    July 20, 2024
  • [NSFW] Rookie Error

    I build my site locally using wampserver, I purchased a domain name and changed the URL in the general menu, but I can no longer access my site. Is there a solution to recover

    July 20, 2024

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