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  • Application Building

    I want to set up a request validation workflow (form). Imagine filling out an online form and clicking the "Submit" button at the end. The form will be sent to your boss who will have to validate or reject it. If the validation passes, your request will continue to the big boss, who must also validate or reject it. Finally, a notification of the status of the request is received.Does WordPress allow me to build an application like this? If so, what plugins do I need?

    July 15, 2024
  • WordPress Elementor Prompts Error Cannot Save 500 Solution Guide

    The 500 Internal Server Error is a common server error that is usually caused by a website's server environment. This error can cause a website to become inaccessible and affect the user experience. In this article, we will explore the common causes of 500 errors and provide solutions, especially for WordPress websites built with Elementor. Common Causes of 500 Errors 1.Insufficient Memory In most cases, 500 errors are caused by insufficient memory allocated for the website.Elementor requires at least 128MB...

    2024 July 14 - Elementor
  • WordPress User Authentication Plugins Comparison and Selection

    WordPress user authentication is one of the most important features of any website, especially for sites that need to protect user data and ensure secure access.WordPress, the world's most popular content management system, offers a number of plugins to enhance user authentication features. We have compared and evaluated several popular WordPress user authentication plugins in detail to help you choose the one that best suits your site's needs. Why do you need a user authentication plugin? WordPress provides basic user registration and login by default...

    July 13, 2024 - WordPress Plugin
  • How to Reset WordPress Administrator Password

    WordPress is the world's most popular content management system, with over 43% websites built using it worldwide. As powerful as WordPress is, users occasionally forget their login credentials for managing their websites. In this article, we'll cover a few quick ways to recover your WordPress administrator password. Use the "Forgot Password" Option The easiest way to reset your password is to use the "Forgot Password?" option on the WordPress login page. option on the WordPress login page. Here's how to do it: Use phpMyA...

    July 13, 2024 - WordPress
  • wordpress site transfer

    I have moved my entire website built with WordPress (latest version) from one IPS to another.I have only administrator credentials to log into the WordPress panel. Can any expert give me some guidance on the following questions? 1. which plugin can I install and really rely on to create a complete offline copy of my entire site, configuration, local media, etc.? I would like to create a full backup on my local hard drive and then after installing WordPress on a new server make a...

    2024 July 10
  • Comparison of the 7 Best WordPress User Registration Plugins

    There are many options to choose from when looking for the best WordPress user registration plugin for your website. Creating a signup form is one of the key steps to improving user engagement, and using the right plugin can make the process easier and more effective. This article will detail seven of the best WordPress user registration plugins to help you choose the right tool for your needs. Why Use a WordPress User Registration Plugin? Using a WordPress user registration plugin allows visitors to...

    2024 July 10 - WordPress Plugin
  • Creating Multilingual Websites with WordPress Multisite

    WordPress Multisite allows users to create a network of connected WordPress sites and manage all of them from one control panel. They share many resources, such as plugins and themes, thus simplifying the building and maintenance of all websites. We'll introduce the WordPress Multisite feature and cover its advantages and disadvantages for multilingual content. Then, together, we'll go through the process of using it to create a multilingual variant of your website. Pros and Cons of Using Multisite to Build Multilingual Websites In as...

    July 9, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Optimize WordPress Website Performance

    When it comes to WordPress performance optimization, we can try the following. Install the theme and populate it with content When setting up our theme in a new WordPress installation, you'll usually import some dummy content. This content is designed to help you get your site up and running quickly and understand how it's built and configured. Because this content contains many images, pages, posts, and products that you may soon delete, they are not optimized for performance. Therefore, there is no need to measure the site's performance for this step. After installing the theme, you need to browse...

    July 9, 2024 - WordPress
  • Comprehensive Guide: How to Optimize WordPress Website Speed and Performance (I)

    The first step you can take on how to speed up WordPress is to use the Google Lighthouse tool to better familiarize yourself with the issues affecting your site. The second step is to compress images to reduce the time it takes to load the first colored pixel on your site. A quick estimate will show that on sites that provide a lot of image-based content, such a project will take about 3 months to complete. Once these initial steps have been taken to update your website and optimize its loading speed, you will immediately...

    2024 July 8 - WordPress
  • Optimizing WordPress Site Load Speed: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Elementor Performance (Part II)

    For WordPress website loading speed: Improve Elementor performance can be optimized to improve the following 10 aspects: 1. Optimize the server and basic configuration Before any speed optimization, make sure that your server and PHP/MySQL version is in the best condition. Nowadays, Elementor, Woocommerce, Wp Rocket caching plugin, etc. are becoming more and more demanding on the server, and small configured servers can easily get clogged up. If the server configuration is low, it is recommended to upgrade the server (...

    2024 July 8 - WordPress

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