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  • How to Perform Multilingual SEO on Your WordPress Website

    Appealing to a global audience starts with having a website that supports multiple languages, both for content and search. Learn how to do multilingual SEO (search engine optimization) on your WordPress website and make sure it's visible to users around the world. Simply translating your website is not enough. Multilingual SEO is needed to ensure that people from all over the world can find and understand your website. In addition to translation, multilingual SEO involves structuring your URLs, targeting the right keywords, and translating metadata. ...

    2024 July 25 - WordPress
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Improving WordPress Website Security

    A content management system (CMS) is a software application that helps users build, manage, and customize websites without having to write their own code.WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world, and as such is a high-value target for cyber attackers. WordPress' own in-house team provides regular security updates and patches for newly discovered system vulnerabilities, but there are steps that WordPress users can take to ensure that their websites are protected against known and emerging threats...

    2024 July 23 - WordPress
  • How to Customize WordPress Login Page: A Detailed Guide to Enhance Brand Image and User Experience

    By default, visitors to your site see the same login page that administrators use. While this page is fully functional, the design is very simple, leaving a lot of white space with the WordPress logo right in the center. It does little to support your brand or provide a user-friendly experience for visitors. Creating a custom login page is a relatively simple improvement you can make to your WordPress website. In this article, we'll discuss the advantages of WordPress custom login pages, between...

    2024 July 23 - WordPress
  • WebP, PNG and JPEG: Choosing the Best Image Format for Your WordPress Website

    Images can add life to the content and make the WordPress website more attractive and look less monotonous. However, choosing the right file format is important for performance. If images take a long time to load, then the website will not provide a good user experience. Next, we will compare WebP, PNG and JPEG to help you choose the best image format for WordPress. I. WebP, PNG and JPEG - Introduction Let's first look at all three image formats to understand it...

    July 22, 2024 - SEO traffic
  • WordPress Privacy Policy Update: When and How to Notify Users

    As Internet technology continues to evolve and users become more aware of privacy protection, website operators need to pay more attention to the development and updating of privacy policies. Especially for websites built with WordPress, it is especially important to update the privacy policy regularly and notify users. In this article, we will discuss in detail when to update your WordPress privacy policy and how to effectively notify users to ensure compliance and user trust. Why do I need to update my privacy policy? When should I update my privacy policy? How to notify users of privacy policy updates? In order to ensure...

    July 22, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress Custom Fields Plugin Guide

    Custom Fields or Advanced Custom Fields allow you to add additional data or metadata to content entries beyond the default fields. For example, if you have a blog, the default fields might include post title, body content, author, and date. With custom fields introduced in WordPress development, you can add additional fields such as featured images, excerpts, content ratings, video embeds, and more. Why do you need custom fields plugin? Custom fields make it very easy to add extra data to the content. They help you in a user-friendly way...

    July 21, 2024 - WordPress Plugin
  • How to Set SEO Friendly Fixed Links for WordPress Blog Posts

    When creating a WordPress blog, setting up SEO-friendly permalinks is crucial for improving search engine rankings and enhancing user experience. Permalinks are fixed URL structures that can be optimized to make a blog more attractive and easy to navigate. Next, see how to set up SEO-friendly fixed links for WordPress blog posts. What are fixed links? A fixed link is a URL structure that is used to point to a specific page or post in your blog. A good...

    July 20, 2024 - SEO traffic
  • How to Control WordPress Spam with IP Blacklisting and Whitelisting

    Wordfence is a popular WordPress security plugin that offers powerful defense features. It comes with a wide range of features to help protect websites from unauthorized access, hacking and malware.Wordfence is backed by the world's top WordPress security research team, and the plugin offers a comprehensive range of security features to provide users with a high level of security. Wordfence Main Features 1, Firewall 2, Malware Scanning 3, Login Security 4...

    July 19, 2024 - WordPress
  • Incorrect version of wordpress-develop phpunit

    Running WAMP 3.3.1 (64-bit) and PHP 8.2.5 - I have WordPress/wordpress-develop installed and setup. The build process is working fine. The problem I've been having is that Composer installs the wrong version of phpunit. composer install I get phpunit 4.8.36. I've tried running composer ...

    July 18, 2024
  • WordPress 6.6 "Dorsey" Released: A Powerful Update for Design Flexibility and Security

    Due to issues with jet lag, WordPress 6.6 "Dorsey" has finally received an update.WordPress 6.6 makes it easy to do more and offers more powerful tools. There are more ways to create beautiful, coherent design elements on your site, new layouts in the site editor for quick page previews, and the security of automatic rollbacks when plugin auto-updates fail, among many other highlights. Let's take a look at what's inside WordPress 6.6. Adding to the Block Theme...

    July 17, 2024 - WordPress Information

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