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  • Detailed Guide to Placing Orders Manually in WooCommerce: No Plugin Required

    Manually placing orders can be an often overlooked but very useful feature when managing a WooCommerce store. While most customers will place an order the standard way, there may be situations where you need to manually create an order for a customer. In this article, we'll go over how to manually place an order in WooCommerce and in what situations you may need to use this feature. 5 Steps to Creating a WooCommerce Manual Order Placing an order manually in WooCommerce...

    August 2024 24 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • Optimizing the WooCommerce Checkout Page: How to Increase Sales Conversions with Plugin Custom Forms

    This article will provide you with a detailed guide on how to customize the checkout page using the free WooCommerce plugin to speed up the checkout process and increase sales by optimizing the form. I. What is WooCommerce Checkout Page By default, WooCommerce provides a basic checkout page that includes standard checkout fields such as name, address, email, and so on. These fields may be sufficient for selling physical products, but if you're selling digital products or other products that don't require...

    August 21, 2024 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • Multilingual Plugin of Choice for WooCommerce Stores: A Full Comparison of WPML vs Polylang

    Choosing the right translation plugin is crucial when building a multilingual website.Woocommerce offers two popular translation plugins: WPML and Polylang.They differ in terms of functionality, SEO options, translation process and price. In this article, we will compare all aspects of these two plugins in depth to help you choose the best translation solution for your website. 1. Translation Options: Polylang vs. WPML Translation functionality is the first core thing to consider when choosing a translation plugin...

    August 21, 2024 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • How to Convert Your WooCommerce Store to Multi-Language

    Want to expand your WooCommerce store to the global market and attract more international customers? It's a task that requires careful planning and execution. With multilingual support, you can attract more customers globally and dramatically increase sales. In this article, we'll dive into the various ways to implement multilingual support for your WooCommerce store, and our three-step process using the Weglot plugin will help you easily create a fully multilingual WooCommerce website. No...

    August 21, 2024 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • Best Practices for Customizing WooCommerce Product Pages: Key Tips for Improving User Experience and Conversion Rates

    This article will detail how to customize product pages in WooCommerce, including the use of plugins, CSS, page builders, and many other methods. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this article will provide you with a useful reference. Method 1: Customizing WooCommerce Product Pages Using Plugins WooCommerce provides a rich ecosystem of plugins that can help you easily customize product pages. Here are the detailed steps to customize product pages using plugins: ...

    August 19, 2024 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • Filtering WooCommerce Products Using Custom Fields: A Detailed Guide

    When building an online store in WordPress, the WooCommerce plugin provides users with a wide range of product management and display options. While the product filters that come with WooCommerce are already very powerful, there are times when we need more customized filters, especially when we add custom fields to our products. This article will detail how to use custom fields to filter WooCommerce products and show how to do it in the page builder (Elementor or WPBaker...

    2024 August 18 - Elementor
  • How to Test Stripe Extensions in WooCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

    This guide will detail how to configure and test the Stripe extension in WooCommerce to perform simulated transactions using its built-in test mode feature. 1. Why Test the Stripe Extension There are several key reasons to test your payment system before bringing it live: 2. Configuring the Stripe Extension for Testing Before you begin testing, you need to ensure that the Stripe extension has been configured correctly to use test mode. This involves connecting the extension to your Stri...

    2024 August 14 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • How to Create WooCommerce "Add to Cart" Custom URL: Detailed Guide

    WooCommerce provides powerful e-commerce features for WordPress websites, and one of the most important features is the "Add to Cart" button. By customizing the "Add to Cart" URLs, you can create a more convenient shopping experience for your users. This article will discuss how to create and use these custom URLs so that users can add products directly to the shopping cart and automatically redirect to specific pages, such as the shopping cart page or checkout page when necessary. First, why use custom "Add to Shopping...

    2024 August 13 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • Detailed Guide to Changing Prices by Country in WooCommerce

    If you want to display different prices in different countries/regions, you may need some additional settings and plugin support. In this article, we will detail the complete process of how to change product prices in WooCommerce based on the user's country/region. Why Change Prices by Country in WooCommerce? There are many benefits of changing prices by country in WooCommerce. This setup ensures that the prices users see when they make a purchase are in line with their country/region...

    2024 August 13 - WooCommerce Plugin
  • Comprehensive analysis of BoxShop theme settings: make your website design better (06)

    In this installment, we'll dive into the various settings of the BoxShop theme to help you make the most of this powerful WordPress theme and make your website look and function optimally. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned webmaster, with this guide you'll learn how to set up the key options in the theme and easily customize a professional website that meets your needs. Steps: backend of the site → Appearance → Theme Options This is all the options of the theme As shown above G...

    2024 August 13 - Boxshop Theme

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