Search for: SEO 优化

  • How to Edit and Optimize WordPress Child Theme Template Files and Features (Detailed Tutorial)

    Our tutorial in this installment is still about child themes. We talked earlier about how to create a child theme. Now, let's look at how to edit a child theme's template files, how to add new features to a child theme and how to fix some WordPress child theme issues. How to Edit Template Files for Child Themes Most WordPress themes have templates, which are theme files that control the design and layout of specific areas within the theme. For example, the footer section is usually handled by the footer.php file, while the header is handled by the ...

    September 5, 2024 - WordPress
  • 6 Internal Linking Strategies to Boost Your SEO Results

    Link building has always been one of the key strategies in search engine optimization (SEO). Most people are familiar with the importance of external links (i.e., backlinks) because of their ability to pass authority from external sites to the target site. However, internal links - i.e., links between pages within the same website - are just as important, although their effectiveness is usually slower. In this article, we'll dive into 6 internal linking strategies that can help you boost your SEO results and maximize your website's search engine rankings. Benefits of Implementing an Internal Linking Strategy Internal linking...

    September 3, 2024 - SEO traffic
  • WordPress SEO Audit Checklist: Can Improve Your Site's Ranking

    What is an SEO Audit? Optimizing your WordPress website for search engines is important to attract more visitors. However, many webmasters don't know if their technical SEO strategies are working. This is where an SEO audit comes in handy. This is a process that determines if a website is properly optimized to rank higher in search results. By conducting an SEO audit, it is also possible to identify key issues on a WordPress website that may be preventing it from ranking higher in search engine results. Then, based on the audit...

    September 1, 2024 - SEO traffic
  • 4 Ways to Add WordPress Anchor Links to Improve User Experience and SEO

    Anchor links are very useful in web design. Not only do they help users quickly navigate to specific parts of a page, but they can also enhance the overall user experience and even have a positive impact on SEO. With anchor links, visitors can be guided to jump from one part of a page to another, or from one page to a specific location on a different page. In this post, we'll detail four ways to add anchors in WordPress to help you better optimize your website. What are anchor links? Why should you use them? Anchor links...

    September 1, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress SEO "Crawl Budget" Problem and Its Solution: Improving SEO Results

    Hello everyone! Today's tutorial will have a new vocabulary - crawl budget. It's a direct translation of Google's term, so you don't need to get too hung up on it, you just need to understand what it means. Crawl budget in WordPress SEO refers to the amount of crawl resources a search engine allocates to a website at a given time. This amount of resources determines how much content the search engine can crawl and index on the website in a given period of time. Crawl budget is especially important for websites because it affects whether all the pages of a website can be crawled and indexed in a timely manner. Search crawling...

    2024 August 31 - SEO traffic
  • Fast Ranking Boost: How to Automate WordPress SEO

    One of my clients who does cross-border work just asked me if SEO can be automated and the process streamlined so he can have more time for other things. In our experience, SEO can automate a lot of processes, which saves time and can be effective in improving your site's rankings. But that doesn't mean it's possible to automate SEO work. Automation has to be combined with SEO strategies and human supervision to achieve a better result. Let's take a look together. What can be done to make the SEO process more streamlined. 1. install and use a quality Word...

    2024 August 28 - SEO traffic
  • How to achieve Infinite Scroll effect on the product listing page of a WordPress e-commerce website while maintaining SEO friendliness?

    To implement an "infinite scroll" feature on product category pages, allow users to scroll down the page to load more products. However, for SEO purposes, you also need to ensure that these dynamically loaded products can be crawled by search engines. How can you implement this feature with a combination of AJAX technology, WordPress REST API and proper SEO optimization techniques?

    August 22, 2024
  • How to Improve Your WordPress Site's Performance and Visuals by Optimizing and Editing Images

    Why Image Optimization is Crucial for Your Website? Optimizing images isn't just about aesthetics, it also has a direct impact on your website's performance and SEO results. Properly edited and optimized images can significantly reduce file size, which can speed up page loads and improve user experience. What's more, optimized images can also help your content rank better in search engines and reach a wider audience. WordPress has relatively limited editing options by default. While it allows you to crop, resize, and rotate images, these features are not useful for re...

    August 19, 2024 - WordPress Plugin
  • The Ultimate WordPress SEO Guide for Newbies

    Improving WordPress SEO is important to attract more website traffic. But I've found that most WordPress SEO tutorials are too technical for newbies. So I came up with a different kind of SEO tutorial that can provide a clear, actionable introduction to the most effective WordPress SEO strategies that anyone can understand and implement. Many users who choose to create a website with WordPress should have heard that WordPress is good for ...

    2024 August 13 - SEO traffic
  • Importance of Image Optimization in Improving Elementor Loading Speed

    In modern website design, page load speed is one of the key factors in user experience and search engine optimization. Images are often one of the main reasons why Elementor pages load slowly. In this article, we will discuss the need for image optimization and how to do it effectively. Why is image optimization so important? How to perform image optimization in Elementor? Different image formats have different characteristics. In websites, common image formats include JPEG, PNG and WebP.JPEG is suitable for photos and complex...

    2024 August 12 - Elementor

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