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  • Comprehensive Guide: How to Optimize WordPress Website Speed and Performance (Part II)

    18 Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Website On how to speed up WordPress, to help less tech-savvy people optimize their WordPress website speed, you can operate according to the following in order to hire a developer only if you need to do so at the final stage. 1. Test your site speed Use analytics tools to check for possible problems with your site and look for easy fixes. Google PageSpeed, GTmetrix, Pingdo...

    2024 July 8 - WordPress
  • Improving WordPress Website Performance Through Technical SEO Optimization

    Website performance and search engine optimization (SEO) are crucial. Technical SEO optimization not only improves your website's search engine rankings, it also improves the user experience. How to improve the performance of your WordPress website through technical SEO optimization covers optimizing your website structure, fixing 404 errors, using XML Sitemap, optimizing your code, and site speed improvement. Optimizing Website Structure Optimizing website structure is one of the foundations of technical SEO. A good website structure not only helps search engines crawl better and...

    2024 July 8 - SEO traffic
  • How to merge multiple CSS files into one when using wp-script?

    Developing a block theme using wp-scripts. I'm still trying to figure out how to set everything up correctly and need some help with the generated css files. Since most blocks (and the theme as a whole) share many downwind classes, I'd like all the css to end up in one css file in the build folder. Our folder currently has a flow structure: src src/├─ blocks/│ ├─ [block name]/│ │ ├─ ed...

    July 4, 2024
  • The Essential WordPress Pre-Launch Checklist: Ensuring Optimal Performance and Security

    List of items that must be checked before a WordPress website goes live Build a website using WordPress, WordPress can utilize plugins and you don't need to have a foundation in code to build a website. However, knowing how to use WP and skillfully utilizing WP are two completely different concepts. Below we share with you what necessary checks we need to do when we make a website with WordPress before we can go online. Content check of the website 1. Text check After filling the website with text content, we first need to put from beginning to end...

    July 2, 2024 - WordPress
  • Best WordPress Image Compression Plugin Recommendations to Improve Website Speed

    When do you need WordPress image compression plugin? Images play a vital role on websites. However, image files are usually much larger than plain text, which means they take longer to load and can slow down a website. In order to increase the speed of your WordPress site, you need to optimize your images. Not only will this make your site load faster, it will also improve your WordPress SEO and help you get more traffic. This article will detail when you need to Wo...

    June 7, 2024 - WordPress Plugin
  • Elementor plugin can't edit/load/blank page problems and solutions

    When using the Elementor plugin for WordPress for visual editing, I recently encountered a tricky problem: I couldn't access Elementor's visual editor. Even with Safe Mode enabled, the page is still grayed out and won't load. Checking the error items through the browser, I found the following message: /wp-json/elementor/v1/globals:1 Failed to load resource: the server re...

    June 5, 2024 - Elementor
  • Elementor Performance Tip: Shrinking DOM Size for Faster Websites

    Sites with a lot of DOM output increase the size of the HTML, which can hurt the performance of the site. However, there are techniques to reduce the DOM size of a website. This article looks at how you can enhance your Elementor site by using various strategies to minimize the HTML size. Understanding the "Large DOM Size" Problem The DOM (Document Object Model) represents the structure of a web page, and a large DOM size is usually an indication of a complex DOM structure, usually due to the use of too many ...

    2024 May 30 - Elementor
  • ShortPixel Plugin: Efficiently Optimize WordPress Images for Faster Website Loads

    When we open a website, we often find a long wait for images to load, which actually slows down the opening of the entire webpage. To improve this problem, many webmasters are looking for effective image optimization methods. Fortunately, WordPress users have a powerful tool at their disposal - the ShortPixel image optimization plugin. The ShortPixel plugin is like a little image optimization helper that helps you easily optimize the images on your website. By using ShortPixel, you can improve the webpage's...

    2024 May 30 - WordPress Plugin
  • How to improve Elementor website speed effectively?

    Elementor editor is a Wordpress website editor, after the website backend is enabled, it may appear that the speed of opening Elementor editor is slow, lagging, and can not be opened. As shown in the picture below: Here are 9 ways to solve the speed problem of Elementor editor provided in this post. 1、Activate Elementor function Login to Wordspress dashboard, go to Elementor → Settings , then activate Lazy Load Bac...

    2024 May 28 - Elementor
  • Imagify Image Optimizer Genuine

    Please contact customer service after ordering

    May 21, 2024

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