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  • WordPress 6.6 Development Cycle

    Following the release of WordPress 6.5.2 with 2 bug fixes for Core, 12 bug fixes for the block editor, and 1 security fix, WordPress officials have made it clear that WordPress 6.5.2 is a short-cycle release, and have released a development cycle for WordPress 6.6. WordPress 6.6 is the second major release in 2024. It is currently scheduled to be released in 2...

    2024 April 18 - WordPress Information
  • How to Set Up 301 Redirects in WordPress to Optimize SEO and User Experience

    What is a 301 redirect in WordPress? A 301 redirect is an HTTP status code that a web server sends to a browser indicating that a web page has been permanently moved to a new location. When a user tries to access the old URL, they will be redirected to the new URL by default.This process helps to maintain website traffic, link equity, and overall SEO value. Benefits of Creating 301 Redirects for WordPress Sites: Setting up 301 redirects in WordPress...

    2024 April 17 - SEO traffic
  • How to Effectively Use Google reCAPTCHA in WordPress to Improve Website Security and User Experience

    What is WordPress reCAPTCHA? WordPress reCAPTCHA is a security tool that helps you differentiate between real users on your website and automated programs such as bots. It does this by displaying a small test, such as solving a simple puzzle, or by automatically checking behind the scenes that a visitor is a real person. You can add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress site in two ways: why make...

    2024 April 17 - WordPress Plugin
  • How to Syndicate Content in WordPress (A Beginner's Guide)

    Many of our users have asked us if they can use content syndication to bring backlinks or more content to their website. Actually, most WordPress blogs use the feature of content syndication. It comes with WordPress and makes it simpler for people to share content via RSS. With this feature, users will be able to subscribe to your website with news readers. Also, other websites can automatically share your content on different platforms. What is content syndication and why should I use it? Content syndication is when content creators...

    2024 April 17 - WordPress
  • How to Configure SSL and HTTPS on WordPress: How-to Guide and Problem Solving

    What SSL is (and when you should use it) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a technology that creates a secure connection between a Web site and a browser. Websites that use SSL have "certificates" that tell you that your private information is secure every time it is transmitted. For your own website, using SSL is a must. The benefits are as follows: What HTTPS is (and how it works with SSL) When setting up an SSL certificate for your website, you also need to configure it to use Secure Hypertext Transfer...

    2024 April 17 - WordPress
  • How to Create a Recent Comments Page in WordPress

    Want to display all the latest comments on your WordPress site? This is a great way to engage users in discussions. Creating such a page on WordPress is now very easy with the "Recent Comments" block. We'll show you how to easily create a recent comments page in WordPress. Why should I create a recent comments page? Comments are very important when building a community on a WordPress site. They allow readers to participate in discussions, ask questions, and interact with our webmaster. ...

  • How to Create a "Sticky" Floating Footer Bar in WordPress

    Are you looking for a way to create a sticky floating footer bar in WordPress? A sticky floating footer bar will always be displayed at the bottom of your website even if the user scrolls through the page. This way, you can use it to promote offers or social media accounts, entice users to stay longer, and increase conversions. Next, we'll show you step by step how to easily create one of these sticky floating footer bars on WordPress. What is a Floating Footer Bar in WordPress? A sticky floating footer bar allows...

  • How to remove query strings from static resources in WordPress

    What is a query string? A query string is a set of characters that follow a question mark in a URL. These strings act as URL parameters to help sort and specify content on a website. An example of a link containing a query string is as follows: In this example: Why remove query strings? For static resources that change infrequently, such as CSS, JavaScript, or images, using query strings may not be as useful. In fact, query strings can get in the way of these resources in the user's...

    2024 April 17 - WordPress Plugin
  • WordPress bind multiple domain name tutorial, so that multiple domain names can access the same WordPress site

    Tutorial ideas: the need to bind the domain name, we first set up a new website in Pagoda, and then let the site use the WordPress program files, and finally add the corresponding code in the program files to achieve the effect of multiple domain names to access the same site. Description: The following example: for the initial site need to increase the binding of the domain name for www.c.com等等 1, the establishment of the need to bind the domain name for the new site First, the need to bind ...

    2024 April 16 - WordPress
  • WordPress not logged in users (visitors) only show a picture in the article Used to guide users to register

    There are times when we publish a file and add multiple images, but how do we make it so that unlogged in users (visitors) can only see one image? After the user logs in, he can see all the pictures in the article. Then this article introduces the following, modify the file code to achieve this effect, so that you can guide the user to register. The first step, in the theme folder funtions.php (path /wp-content/themes/your theme name/funtions.php) file to add the following code (at the end of the file) Second ...

    2024 April 16

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