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  • Recommended Google SEO Optimization Tools for Cross-Border WordPress Websites

    Nowadays, more and more foreign trade websites choose to use WordPress to build, but to get a good ranking on Google, SEO optimization is especially important. And to do a good job of SEO, you can not do without some practical tools. These tools can help us easily analyze the website's keyword rankings, traffic and links, but also provides keyword research, link analysis and website analysis and other functions. Next, I will recommend several common Google SEO optimization tools to make SEO work easier and more efficient. First, SEMr...

    2024 April 29 - SEO traffic
  • How to Set Up 301 Redirects in WordPress to Optimize SEO and User Experience

    What is a 301 redirect in WordPress? A 301 redirect is an HTTP status code that a web server sends to a browser indicating that a web page has been permanently moved to a new location. When a user tries to access the old URL, they will be redirected to the new URL by default.This process helps to maintain website traffic, link equity, and overall SEO value. Benefits of Creating 301 Redirects for WordPress Sites: Setting up 301 redirects in WordPress...

    2024 April 17 - SEO traffic
  • Boosting WordPress Website Rankings: 28 Key SEO Optimization Steps Explained

    Most WordPress users, in fact, are not very understanding of how to do WordPress SEO, today we photon team to share an article from Semrush (which adds our own experience in doing SEO), basically covers the regular WordPress SEO steps, although the article with pictures is in English, and some of the content is also for the English site! However, the principles and logic of SEO are the same! Which introduces to Semrush features and plug-ins, and not a ...

    2024 April 4 - SEO traffic
  • Template website vs. self-built website platform: exploring the options for SEO optimization and long-term development

    When it comes to building a website, choosing the right platform is critical to its success. Two common choices are to use a template website and a self-built website platform (such as WordPress). However, when making the choice, we need to consider the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) for your website. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of template websites and self-built website platforms in terms of SEO to help you make an informed decision. First, the SEO limitations of template websites A template website is made up of a pre-designed mold...

    May 2023 24
  • SEO optimization in the new era: analysis of advantages and disadvantages of search engines and ChatGPT and recommendations

    When it comes to search engines and ChatGPT, they each have different benefits and uses. Search engines are one of the most important information retrieval tools on the Internet, they are able to provide users with a wide range and depth of information and in many ways help them find the content they need. Advantages of search engines include: Ability to cover large amounts of information. Search engines can retrieve tens of billions of web pages on the Internet, so users can find whatever they need in them. The ability to categorize and filter information. Search engines usually provide categorization...

    March 2023 24
  • How to use tag tags to optimize your website SEO and user experience

    Case in point: how to add tag tags to a restaurant blog Let's say you're someone who owns a restaurant blog and you want to help visitors find your content better and improve your SEO rankings by adding tag tags. Here are some steps that can help you add tag tags to your blog. Step 1: Conduct Keyword Research Before adding tag tags, you first need to conduct keyword research to understand what your target audience is searching for. This can help you determine which tag tags are the most relevant and useful. Let's say you...

    March 2023 17
  • How to Optimize CSS Page Layout to Improve SEO Ranking?

    To summarize, a good CSS page layout can help improve the user experience and SEO of a website, thus increasing the traffic and exposure of the website. In the actual development process, we should make full use of CSS layout technology as an important part of SEO to get better results. The following is a demonstration code to use flexbox layout to achieve responsive layout and optimize SEO results: htmlCopy code ...

    March 15, 2023
  • How to do site group optimization? Benefits, Disadvantages and SEO Best Practices for Site Groups

    Site clustering is an SEO optimization strategy that involves creating multiple sites and linking them to each other in order to improve each site's ranking. However, there are some disadvantages and risks associated with site clusters, so careful consideration needs to be given when thinking about using them to optimize your site. Advantages of Site Groups Disadvantages and Risks of Site Groups Site Group SEO Best Practices

    2023 March 14
  • Why is there still no traffic to your website after SEO optimization? What is the principle?

    SEO optimization is performed to get a better ranking for a website in the search engines, thus attracting more traffic. However, even with SEO optimization, a website may still not get the expected traffic. This can be caused by the following reasons: To summarize, SEO optimization is not just about keyword selection and ranking, it also needs to take into account the quality of the website, technology and other factors. If your website has been optimized but still not getting the expected traffic, then you need to double check and fix the above issues.

    2023 March 3
  • What are the better SEO optimization plugins for WordPress websites?

    There are many kinds of plugins for SEO optimization of WordPress websites, and the following are some of the more popular ones: All of the above plugins can help you optimize the SEO of your WordPress website, and all of them have different advantages and features. You can choose the plugin that best suits your needs.

    2023 February 27

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