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  • How to create a Baidu and Google compatible sitemap for WordPress (Sitemap)

    WordPress is a great open source platform for Baidu and Google SEO optimization, and creating a sitemap is one of the most important tools for improving the SEO of your WordPress website. A sitemap helps visitors and search engines better understand your website structure. Understanding sitemaps is very helpful in further developing your WordPress website. It not only enhances the user experience, but also ensures that search engines can crawl your website content accurately. In this article, we will explain in detail why WordPre...

  • WordPress Beginner's Guide: How to Create a Blog Post

    If you have a WordPress site but haven't started blogging with it yet, you may be missing out on some benefits. In fact, companies with blogs get 67% more leads than companies without blogs, and blogs can also dramatically improve a website's SEO performance. The good news is that creating a blog on WordPress is very simple. 1. add a new post. To start your WordPress blog, the first step is to create a post. We've provided a simple example to guide you through getting started. First, log in to your wo...

  • WordPress website to add Baidu statistics of the hands-on teaching

    Web developers and digital marketing specialists know that it's important to use analytics tools to monitor their websites, which helps them improve site performance. While Google Analytics is known and commonly used, adding Baidu Analytics (also known as Baidu Statistics) brings many additional benefits for websites operating in China. Since its launch in 2009, Baidu Analytics has been used by over 7 million websites in China. If you've already used Google Analytics, you'll...

  • Easy Guide to Adding Google Search Console to a WordPress Website

    Want to add your WordPress website to Google Search Console? This is a crucial step in improving your website's display in Google's search results, thereby increasing visits, boosting conversions and growing your business. If Google doesn't include your website, it will be difficult for people to discover it. This article will guide you on how to add Google Search Console to your WordPress website so you can track your website's search performance and optimize SEO. ...

  • WordPress Website Publishing Guide: How to Publish Products, Videos, Cases and Downloads

    Once a B2B business buys a domain name and server, the next steps are to install WordPress and enable templates so that the first phase is essentially complete. The task that immediately follows is to organize and publish content, including articles, products, videos, case studies and downloadable materials. This content plays an important role in search engine optimization (SEO) and keyword ranking for B2B businesses. However, the default content management system of WordPress only supports pages and articles, and does not directly support products, videos, cases, downloadable materials...

  • A Complete Guide to Creating Custom URL Links in WordPress

    Would you like to have unique link addresses for posts, pages or other types of content in WordPress? Not long ago, a WordPress newbie asked us a question: Is it possible to customize the link structure of a post or page in WordPress? In this post, we'll give you detailed instructions on how to set up custom links (also known as permalinks) in WordPress, while making sure that this change doesn't negatively impact your site's search engine optimization (SEO)...

  • The Essential Guide to Cross-Border Ecommerce in 2024: How Transitioning Sellers Can Choose and Sell Profitable, Zero-Cost Virtual Products

    In today's e-commerce environment, cross-border sellers face unprecedented challenges. Among them, the sale of physical products is a headache for many sellers due to multiple factors such as inventory, logistics and competition. Especially on a global scale, the uncertainty of logistics has become a major issue due to various emergencies, such as epidemics. Therefore, turning to virtual products with zero inventory and no logistics has become an attractive new avenue. Significant Advantages of Virtual Products Virtual products are distinguished from traditional tangible goods in that they are usually digital and can be services, information...

    March 9, 2024 - E-commerce News
  • The impact of internal adjustments to the official website on traffic and improvement measures

    In the digital age, a company's official website acts as the digital face of the brand and is an important channel to connect potential customers with the company. Therefore, any internal adjustments to the website will inevitably affect its website traffic and user experience. The purpose of this article is to explore the possible impact of internal tweaks to the official website on traffic and provide strategies for improvement accordingly. SEO and content tweaks: a keyword-first strategy Impact analysis: SEO and content are core elements in attracting visitors. Optimizing SEO improves a website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), which increases...

  • What are the modules in magento?

    Magento, a popular e-commerce platform, offers a number of modules to enhance and customize online stores. These modules cover everything from product management to customer relations, from marketing to analytics. Here is a detailed article that delves into the various modules of Magento and their functionality. Magento Modules Explained 1. Core Functionality Modules Catalog Management: Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Order Management: Payment and Settlement: Distribution and Logistics: 2. Marketing and Promotion Modules SEO Optimization: ...

    January 16, 2024 - Magento Series
  • Breaking through the e-commerce platform limitations: the road of independent station construction for small and medium-sized enterprises

    With the hot growth of indie sites in the e-commerce space since 2019, it seems that overnight, indie sites have become the center of everyone's discussion. In fact, this e-commerce model has existed as early as 2008, only until recently has it begun to receive more attention. The independent station of cross-border e-commerce, that is, merchants have their own domain name, space and page, not dependent on any large e-commerce platform, so that they can carry out a wider range of online market expansion. The most important feature of this model is that it is completely independent, and merchants are free to operate without any platform restrictions. Why independent...

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