Search for: WooCommerce SEO

  • Redirect to HTTPS after local HTTP site browsing

    We have an intranet running WordPress, and when browsing the site, the URL starts redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS. i don't know WordPress at all, and have browsed the forums with no success. Clearing the cookies solves the problem temporarily. Invisible/InPrivate mode works successfully. As per advice from other forum posts I've viewed: on the server - .htaccess. - no mention of HTTPS in Portal > Instruments...

    July 19, 2024
  • Block selector locks editor page up

    When I try to create or edit a post or page and bring up the block selector, the page locks up after typing a letter in the search box. Has anyone else experienced this? How have you resolved it?

    July 19, 2024
  • WAMP/WORDPRESS installation error

    Je souhaiterais installer wordpress locally. You can charge, install, WordPress charging through the Wamp server and place it through the archives of the WWW. In PHP MY ADMIN I created a base called WordPress. The problem appears in Firefox "localhost/wordpress" (avec wamp server ...

    July 19, 2024
  • WordPress Local Installation

    Can someone tell me, once wordpress enters the "www" file of the wamp server and creates the database I named "wordpress", which address I have to enter in Firefox to access the wordpress panel?

    July 19, 2024
  • Plugin won't work on localhost wordpress

    Installed wordpress with xampp on my Mac. now I'm trying to add a plugin like spectra, but it doesn't work. I get the following message: Unable to connect to the file system. Please confirm your credentials. To perform the requested action, WordPress needs access to your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to continue. If you don't remember your credentials, please contact your web host.

    July 19, 2024
  • WooCommerce installation failed

    I installed WP using Wamp64 when I built the site and then transferred the domain from Shopify to WP Host. anyway, I can't see a way to install WooCommerce. It keeps telling me the installation failed. Then I try to download and upload it and it says the link has expired. Not sure what to do now.WooCommerce installation failed!

    July 19, 2024
  • Setting the value of a property drop-down list

    我正在尝试使用 WooCommerce 创建一个购物网站。我添加了一个带值的属性。我将其用作产品页面的下拉菜单。下拉选项的值(数据属性值)设置为我之前分配的文本值。我可以添加数值吗?以下是我想要实现的目标。 属性:包裹I 下拉菜单,我想要的选项为<option value=”3″>3 件装</option><option val…

    July 19, 2024
  • Jetpack Cron event occurs when Jetpack is not installed?

    I have installed the JetPack plugin but removed it because I can use other plugins to do its function more easily. Now I'm wondering why there are tons of Jetpack entries in cron events: jetpack_sync_cronjetpack_sync_full_cronjetpack_clean_noncesjp_purge_transients_cronjetpack_waf_rul ...

    July 19, 2024
  • XAMP MySQL Unexpectedly Shut Down After Site Migration

    I am using XAMP to build my sites on localhost. But there is one site that I am backing up using the WPvivid plugin. Every time I do a fresh install of wordpress and then migrate this site, the operation succeeds and works fine for that particular session where I don't stop Apache, MySQL and exit XAMP. But when I exit XAMP, the next session doesn't work. It brings up the "MySQL Unexpected Shutdown Error". Over the past few days I've had multiple...

    July 19, 2024
  • Unable to export my database

    I'm trying to export my database from phpmyadmin, but when I click "export" it just opens it on phpmyadmin. I am on mamp. Can you help me to solve this problem?

    July 19, 2024

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