Search for: Elementor WooCommerce

  • Localhost admin page does not work

    Hello everyone, I don't know where else to go, but I need some serious help. I recently followed a tutorial on how to host a website on a raspberry pi using nginx and word press. At first everything went well until I messed up the settings in word press and changed the url to https for the website and admin page and now I can't access the website or admin page to change it back. If anyone can explain how to fix this and get back to...

    July 20, 2024
  • How to Migrate a WordPress Website from Windows to Mac

    Since my site was created on a Windows PC localhost, I have been trying to move the site from the old localhost (Windows) to the new localhost (Mac). At first, I thought this would work like moving the site from the localhost to a domain, but I failed. Does anyone here know how to move a localhost site from a Windows computer to a MacBook? I would like to continue editing the site on the MacBook.

    July 20, 2024
  • [NSFW] Rookie Error

    I build my site locally using wampserver, I purchased a domain name and changed the URL in the general menu, but I can no longer access my site. Is there a solution to recover

    July 20, 2024
  • Avoid CuRL timeout

    我在一台无法访问互联网的服务器上安装了 WordPress 实例。当尝试访问 时,它会多次超时(等等)。 我已经禁用自动更新,但是在仪表板页面上,“WordPress 事件和新闻”窗格仍继续尝试检索其 RSS 内容。 那么,我的问题是:有没有办法阻止 WP 使用 cURL 获取任何内容? 注意:我无法禁用 php.ini 中的 p…

    July 20, 2024
  • local.flywheel install

    I am using Flywheel to complete a WordPress course through my local library. I installed the Jetpack plugin and receive this error on the Jetpack dashboard. Currently in offline mode (some features are disabled) because: jetpack_development_mode filter is active Your site URL is a known local development environment URL After adding this line to the wp-config.php page, def...

    July 20, 2024
  • Adding Custom Fields to WooCommerce Products with ACF Plugin and Elementor Pro for Advanced Product Detail Page Designs

    Using the ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) plugin it is possible to add custom fields to WooCommerce product categories and products, such as videos, QA fields, etc. Combined with Elementor Pro's template feature, you can create advanced product listing pages and product detail pages. The following are detailed steps and example tutorials: Add custom fields to the product details page Step 1: Install ACF plugin Step 2: Add fields Step 3: Set fields Example: How to use ACF to ...

    July 20, 2024 - Elementor
  • Wp option does not exist

    我使用 Xampp 在本地创建了一个网站。 从一天到另一天,就不再起作用了。 phpmyadmin 告诉我表“offlinexperience.oym_actionscheduler_logs”(或其他表)在引擎中不存在。 尝试使用 phpmyadmin 修复数据库,但所有表都出现相同的错误。 然后我尝试为另一个网站创建一个新的数据库,当我访问 WordPr…

    July 19, 2024
  • Redirect to HTTPS after local HTTP site browsing

    We have an intranet running WordPress, and when browsing the site, the URL starts redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS. i don't know WordPress at all, and have browsed the forums with no success. Clearing the cookies solves the problem temporarily. Invisible/InPrivate mode works successfully. As per advice from other forum posts I've viewed: on the server - .htaccess. - no mention of HTTPS in Portal > Instruments...

    July 19, 2024
  • Block selector locks editor page up

    When I try to create or edit a post or page and bring up the block selector, the page locks up after typing a letter in the search box. Has anyone else experienced this? How have you resolved it?

    July 19, 2024
  • WAMP/WORDPRESS installation error

    Je souhaiterais installer wordpress locally. You can charge, install, WordPress charging through the Wamp server and place it through the archives of the WWW. In PHP MY ADMIN I created a base called WordPress. The problem appears in Firefox "localhost/wordpress" (avec wamp server ...

    July 19, 2024

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