Search for: wordpress 重置密码

  • How to Reset User Password in WordPress Dashboard

    Resetting WordPress user passwords is an important thing to do, especially if the user forgets the password or the security of the account is threatened, WordPress reset passwords are crucial. Here are the detailed steps that I have compiled on how to reset user password securely in WordPress dashboard. 1. Login to WordPress Dashboard First of all, login to your WordPress dashboard using an administrator account. If you have forgotten your administrator password, you can use the WordPress "Forgot Password...

    2024 July 10 - WordPress
  • How to Reset WordPress Password When Email Access is Unavailable

    Forgetting a password is a common problem when using a WordPress website. However, this can cause even more trouble when there is no access to the registered email to reset the password. The good news is that WordPress offers several ways to help you reset your password without accessing your email. Make sure you are able to retrieve access without any problems. Method 1: Reset Password via phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is a graphical tool for managing MySQL databases. Through phpMyAdmi...

    July 5, 2024 - WordPress
  • Easy way to reset WordPress administrator password using FTP

    There are various ways to reset WordPress administrator password. Today we are going to focus on how to reset admin password manually using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). We will explain in detail how to reset WordPress administrator password via FTP in an easy way. Preliminary Preparation Step 1: Connect to the FTP server Step 2: Edit the functions.php file 4. Save and upload the file: Save the edited functions.php file and then upload it via FTP client...

    July 1, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Effectively Use Google reCAPTCHA in WordPress to Improve Website Security and User Experience

    What is WordPress reCAPTCHA? WordPress reCAPTCHA is a security tool that helps you differentiate between real users on your website and automated programs such as bots. It does this by displaying a small test, such as solving a simple puzzle, or by automatically checking behind the scenes that a visitor is a real person. You can add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress site in two ways: why make...

    2024 April 17 - WordPress Plugin
  • How to Change WordPress Administrator Password

    Why You Need to Reset Your WordPress Password For security reasons, changing your password is something that must be done on a regular basis, especially if you use the same password on multiple platforms. Updating your passwords on a regular basis effectively reduces security risks. In addition to these security considerations, there are several other reasons why you may need to change your WordPress password: How to Reset a Lost WordPress Password (3 Ways) 1. How to Reset a WordPress Password via the Login Screen 2. How to Reset a WordPress Password via...

    2024 April 14 - WordPress
  • Mastering WordPress Hooks : A Comprehensive Guide to Customizing and Enhancing Your Site

    What are WordPress hooks? WordPress "hooks" give you the flexibility to add or change functionality to your website without changing the core code. Hooks are like special interfaces that are installed at key points in the program, allowing you to insert your own code or modify existing code. Purpose of Hooks Hooks are tools that give you the ability to add or tweak the functionality of your website by automatically executing specific functions without modifying the core WordPress code. There are two types of hooks...

    2024 April 13 - WordPress
  • Recommended for WordPress users: Member Pro User Center Plugin

    WordPress User Center Plugin is a specialized tool for WordPress websites that allows you to create and manage user profiles. These plugins provide a convenient management interface to website administrators, and also allow users to easily perform operations such as login, register, update personal information and reset passwords. Today, we introduce to you an excellent domestic WordPress user center plugin - Member Pro. Member Pro official website: https://www.wp...

    2024 March 27
  • How to Fix WooCommerce Not Sending Order Emails

    What causes WooCommerce emails not to be sent? Being an online store, then emails can be used to help the business run smoothly. For example, if a customer hasn't paid after they have already added to their cart, you can send an email to remind them of the order, etc. Welcome new customers with an email. Emails are sent to confirm orders and follow up on abandoned carts. And emails are needed to allow customers to reset their passwords. But often eCommerce sellers who leave comments in the community experience trouble with WooCommerce not sending emails. Sometimes, ...

    7 hours ago - WooCommerce Plugin
  • FTP account for updates

    I have a client who has a standalone WordPress site for an intranet that I can't update to the latest version. It asks for an FTP account, but no one seems to have one, and none of the admin accounts seem to work. I did find information about adding the "FS_Method, direct" option to the wp-config.php file to update it manually, but the file is locked under the "apache" account and cannot be modified. Is there any way...

    July 22, 2024
  • How to use the API to send emails to users after they sign up

    Created a user for my wordpress site using the API, but I want to send an email with a link to reset the password to the new user's email address after the user registers.

    July 15, 2024

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