Search for: WooCommerce SEO

  • Syntax errors, unexpected characters

    I am trying to run a backup of the site on localhost and am getting this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected character 0x00, expected end of file, located at address/public_html/wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-block-pattern -categories-controller.php line 225 I tried the following: 1. ...

    2024 July 25
  • Failed to deploy from local to interim version

    I am setting up a development environment for a project. So it already has a live site and a staging site. I also want to add a local development environment so that I can first check changes I make locally on the staging site and then push them to the live site. But now I just crashed the staging site. My process is to push the repo from the live site to gitlab and from gitlab to my local machine. I made a change to test this, pushing from local to gitlab and then from...

    2024 July 25
  • Which is better, cPanel or WordPress hosting?

    Which is better, cPanel hosting or WordPress hosting?

    2024 July 25
  • Site health report update issues related to document access

    wordpress does not work, cannot update, site health check shows this error: "Your installation of WordPress prompts for FTP credentials to perform updates. (Your site is performing updates over FTP due to file ownership. ta.....

    2024 July 25
  • Can't find "localhost" in Windows 10 installation

    Loaded XAMPP on a laptop with Windows 10, then loaded visited /localhost/fixitwp and saw "Hello World", then quit the same day. The next day Firefox can't find "localhost". What's stopping me? Do I need to reinstall everything? Thank you for your help.

    2024 July 25
  • Fatal error: uncaught error: call to undefined function

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_register_block_style_variations_from_theme_json_partials() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ project2\wp-includes\class-wp-theme-json-re...

    2024 July 25
  • Local host does not recognize my website

    I'm using XAMPP as my localhost for developing my website.XAMPP is having some problems initializing MySQL, which has been happening globally for a few weeks now. There is no simple generic solution for this error, but apparently reinstalling XAMPP is possible, so I did so. Before reinstalling, I created two backup folders, one for "htdocs" and one for "mysql/data", so that I wouldn't lose my site. But...

    2024 July 25
  • What happens when you activate a theme

    I would like to change the current theme to a new theme. I already have a live preview of my favorite theme. So what happens if I activate the theme? Will I lose the previous theme? Can I revert to the previous theme? Is the content lost? I assume the content will be retained and just rearrange the content to best match the new theme and look - right? My current theme is Modular, and I know it's outdated and may soon be unsupported.

    July 22, 2024
  • Serious error in theme folder

     Cpanel's backup. I put that site backup on xampp localhost. Now, when I put the active theme folder in Themes > wp-content, the theme folder shows some serious errors and the screen says that your site has a serious error. Why is this happening?

    July 22, 2024
  • wordpress is not configured on xampp

    想让在Wordpress 上运行localhost xampp。我按照文档中的步骤创建了数据库,但当我转到 URL 时,localhost/database_name它显示数据库丢失连接。 我搜索了解决问题的方法,但发现数据库中没有 wp-config.php 文件,因此我使用 wp-config-sample.php 创建了 wp-config.php,但…

    July 22, 2024

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