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  • How to Fix Featured Images Not Displaying in WordPress

    Featured images give visitors a glimpse of what's in your blog posts and pages. If these images are not appearing on your site, it can affect click-through rates. This article will show you how to fix featured images that are not appearing in WordPress so that your content gets more clicks and engagement. Why aren't featured images showing up in WordPress? Featured images usually appear on your blog post listing pages and sometimes on the title of the post. They work similarly to YouTube thumbnails and are meant to increase...

    July 12, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Fix "Plugins Disappearing from WordPress Dashboard" Issue by Clearing WordPress Cache with Plugin

    Why Plugins Disappear from WordPress Dashboard? When a plugin is suddenly deactivated and disappears from your site, it can be a struggle to use the functionality provided by the plugin. This can lead to a poor user experience. For example, if your contact form plugin disappears, users will see errors when visiting the form page. There are many reasons why plugins disappear from the WordPress dashboard view: using plugins to fix plugins disappearing from WordPress dashboard 1. WP Super...

    July 12, 2024 - WordPress Plugin
  • elementor edit error

    Started a website using the blocksy theme and chose a starter template. Already customized the header, footer, colors, etc. Went into cpanel - wordpress, viewed the overview, then opened it and put the site in maintenance mode so I could upload the actual images to the site before it went live. However, when I go to the page and edit using elementor, it keeps saying "Your site does not have a default kit - it seems as if your kit has been deleted, please create a new one or try to edit from...

    July 11, 2024
  • How to Optimize WordPress Website SEO for Better Performance

    Optimizing the SEO and performance of your WordPress website will not only improve your search engine rankings, but also provide a better user experience. Here are some key steps to help you achieve these goals. 1. Create People-Centered Content Quality content is the cornerstone of a successful website. Make sure your content is valuable, original, and answers users' questions. Focus on time on page, which is an important indicator of content quality. 2. Use simple navigation A simple, intuitive navigation structure helps users quickly find the information they need...

    July 11, 2024 - SEO traffic
  • How to Fix WordPress .htaccess File (Beginner's Guide)

    What is an .htaccess file? The .htaccess file is a hidden configuration file that is critical to the operation of a WordPress website. It provides a set of instructions for the Apache web server to manage permalinks, implement security measures, and improve site performance. How to tell if your .htaccess file is corrupt The following signs may indicate that your .htaccess file is corrupt: How to access and fix .ht...

    July 11, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress User Management Guide

    Managing WordPress users is an administrative task that is often overlooked, but it is critical to improving WordPress management and security. Poorly managed users can pose a security risk, especially as a site grows and develops. Fortunately, developing a user management plan is easier than you might think. This article explores different tools and plugins to help you manage users more easily. What is user management? User management consists of two main things: why you need a WordPress user management policy Users in...

    2024 July 10 - WordPress
  • How to Reset User Password in WordPress Dashboard

    Resetting WordPress user passwords is an important thing to do, especially if the user forgets the password or the security of the account is threatened, WordPress reset passwords are crucial. Here are the detailed steps that I have compiled on how to reset user password securely in WordPress dashboard. 1. Login to WordPress Dashboard First of all, login to your WordPress dashboard using an administrator account. If you have forgotten your administrator password, you can use the WordPress "Forgot Password...

    2024 July 10 - WordPress
  • WordPress 6.6 RC3 is ready for download and testing!

    As with the previously mentioned WordPress 6.6 RC1 and WordPress 6.6 RC2, a WordPress 6.6 RC3 version of the WordPress software is under development. Do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on an operational or mission-critical site. It is recommended that RC3 be tested and evaluated on a test server or in a local environment. WordPress still retains a rigorous style, although WordPress 6...

    2024 July 10 - WordPress Information
  • Creating Multilingual Websites with WordPress Multisite

    WordPress Multisite allows users to create a network of connected WordPress sites and manage all of them from one control panel. They share many resources, such as plugins and themes, thus simplifying the building and maintenance of all websites. We'll introduce the WordPress Multisite feature and cover its advantages and disadvantages for multilingual content. Then, together, we'll go through the process of using it to create a multilingual variant of your website. Pros and Cons of Using Multisite to Build Multilingual Websites In as...

    July 9, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Hide WordPress Toolbar

    When logging into the WordPress dashboard, you will see a toolbar (admin bar) at the top that provides quick links and the ability to manage sections. However, this toolbar can seem redundant or even annoying when you want to view the user-friendliness of your website or page layout. In this article, we'll cover a few simple ways you can easily hide or disable the WordPress toolbar. When you need to hide the toolbar Ways to hide the toolbar 1. Hide the toolbar via user settings This is the easiest method for novice administrators:...

    July 9, 2024 - WordPress

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