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  • WordPress Troubleshooting: Page Not Found or 404 Page Error

    We have a WordPress website with the Elementor editor. Sometimes there are malfunctions, for example: a page not found or 404 page error when trying to navigate to a certain page. Let's analyze the cause and how to fix it! Possible Causes This can be caused by the following problem: Solution To solve this problem, you can try the following solution: Change Fixed Links Follow these steps: 1. Go to the Dashboard in the WP Admin Backend. 2. Go to...

    July 2024 24 - Elementor
  • WordPress 6.6.1 Maintenance Release Available

    WordPress 6.6.1 is now available! We recommend that you upgrade and update your WordPress site as soon as possible. Like the previous WordPress 6.5 version, WordPress 6.6.1 is a short-cycle release. The next major release will be WordPress 6.7, which is scheduled for November 2024. Let's scroll down to see what's fixed in this release update. Fixed 7 in-core bugs Fixed block editing...

    July 2024 24 - WordPress Information
  • How to Optimize Link Colors with WordPress Built-In Features: A Guide to Enhancing Your Brand and User Experience

    How to Change WordPress Link Colors WordPress provides out-of-the-box formatting for hyperlinks. There are several options for modifying the link color scheme for individual links or for an entire website: the Theme Customizer, the WordPress Default Block Editor, or implementing custom CSS. Method 1: Using the WordPress Theme Customizer Please note that depending on the theme being used, the customizer interface may be slightly different. However, here is an overview of the steps: The result is as follows: Using the Theme Customizer...

    2024 July 23 - WordPress
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Improving WordPress Website Security

    A content management system (CMS) is a software application that helps users build, manage, and customize websites without having to write their own code.WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world, and as such is a high-value target for cyber attackers. WordPress' own in-house team provides regular security updates and patches for newly discovered system vulnerabilities, but there are steps that WordPress users can take to ensure that their websites are protected against known and emerging threats...

    2024 July 23 - WordPress
  • How to Customize WordPress Login Page: A Detailed Guide to Enhance Brand Image and User Experience

    By default, visitors to your site see the same login page that administrators use. While this page is fully functional, the design is very simple, leaving a lot of white space with the WordPress logo right in the center. It does little to support your brand or provide a user-friendly experience for visitors. Creating a custom login page is a relatively simple improvement you can make to your WordPress website. In this article, we'll discuss the advantages of WordPress custom login pages, between...

    2024 July 23 - WordPress
  • Detailed Guide to Creating Easy Product Detail Page Templates with Elementor and Gutenberg Editor

    Sometimes we need to create a simple product detail page template in order to distinguish the product details from the ordinary article detail page. In this article, we will introduce how to use Elementor and Gutenberg editor to realize this kind of product detail page template creation, and share the related implementation ideas and specific steps. Page Splitting and Layout Before we start the production, we need to split the page. A standard product detail page can be divided into two parts, the upper part can be split into left and right parts, and the lower part is also left and right parts. By doing so...

    July 22, 2024 - Elementor
  • WebP, PNG and JPEG: Choosing the Best Image Format for Your WordPress Website

    Images can add life to the content and make the WordPress website more attractive and look less monotonous. However, choosing the right file format is important for performance. If images take a long time to load, then the website will not provide a good user experience. Next, we will compare WebP, PNG and JPEG to help you choose the best image format for WordPress. I. WebP, PNG and JPEG - Introduction Let's first look at all three image formats to understand it...

    July 22, 2024 - SEO traffic
  • How to Optimize Your WordPress Website Title and Meta Description

    Optimizing the title and meta description of your WordPress website is important for improving search engine rankings and attracting user clicks. Title and meta-description is the user in the search engine results page (SERP) in the first to see the content, directly affect the click-through rate and site traffic. First, the title (Title) optimization 1. The importance of the title of the title of the search engine and the user's first concern, it not only determines the theme of the page, but also directly affects the click-through rate. A good title should be concise, contains the target keywords, and can attract the use of ...

    July 22, 2024 - SEO traffic
  • WordPress User Permission System Explained and Application Guide

    WordPress' user permission system is relatively intuitive and flexible, allowing administrators to assign different permission levels to users as needed. Whether you are managing a simple blog or a complex multi-user website, understanding and effectively managing user permissions is critical. In this article, we'll take a closer look at each of the user roles and their permissions in WordPress, and provide some practical advice on managing and customizing user permissions. WordPress User Roles and Privileges 1. Super A...

    July 21, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress Custom Fields Plugin Guide

    Custom Fields or Advanced Custom Fields allow you to add additional data or metadata to content entries beyond the default fields. For example, if you have a blog, the default fields might include post title, body content, author, and date. With custom fields introduced in WordPress development, you can add additional fields such as featured images, excerpts, content ratings, video embeds, and more. Why do you need custom fields plugin? Custom fields make it very easy to add extra data to the content. They help you in a user-friendly way...

    July 21, 2024 - WordPress Plugin

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