Search for: FTP

  • Ensuring Website Privacy Policies and GDPR Compliance in WordPress

    The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is an EU regulation designed to strengthen and harmonize the protection of personal data within all EU member states. Even if your website is not in the EU, it needs to comply with these rules whenever it processes data involving EU citizens. This article will detail how to ensure website privacy policy and GDPR compliance in WordPress. Website Privacy Policy I. Creating a Privacy Policy Page The privacy policy page is the cornerstone of website compliance. It needs to clearly state how you collect, use, store and protect visitors'...

    July 19, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to create a virtual website before "hosting" it

    I was wondering if I could start creating the site before I pay for the domain, hosting, etc. to have time to put it all together before it goes live?

    July 18, 2024
  • Unable to connect to database

    Trying to create a local test version of the production site. Exported the production database using MAMP and imported it to localhost mySql. Installed wordpress to htdocs and it works fine if I create the new database during installation. However, when I copy the production WP subdirectory and change wp-config.php to point to the "import" database, I get the UNABLE TO CONNECT message. Any message pointing out what I'm missing...

    July 18, 2024
  • Server can't process images

    I'm running the latest version of WordPress on a self-install (Ubuntu) and have noticed that certain images always get this error, but I have yet to find a solution. I have increased the memory limit in php to 256M and increased the maximum upload file size to 1 GB, but still no luck. The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is ...

    July 18, 2024
  • Error establishing database connection

    I'm having problems creating a basic WordPress site on my localhost. wp-config.php file was not created, so I created a file from the wp-config-sample.php file, which produces an error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected identifier "DB_HOST ", expected ")" in C:\xampp\htdocs\wptest\wp-config.php on line 32. When I make...

    July 18, 2024
  • Unable to provide a valid link from the internal site to the local folder.

    We are running a WordPress intranet site on a server within our network and it is only accessible within our domain. On one page, I want to provide links to local folders such as S:/folder/folder/file.xlsx No matter what I do, I can't find a way to make them work. Users have the right to open/modify files on S:/folder/folder/file.xlsx, but I can't provide a working link to the local folder from the internal site. ...

    July 18, 2024
  • REST API 404 error, probably related to my localhost settings (Apache)

    Received a 404 REST API endpoint error on a localhost installation (LAMP). The site was copied from the live site (using Duplicator) and the live site did not have this issue. However, I am using the Block Editor theme (Twenty Twenty Three) in the local install (I will switch themes on the live site later). Error message in site health: REST API-endepunkt: http://local...

    July 18, 2024
  • How to manually configure .htaccess file to block country-specific IP addresses

    Blocking access from specific countries is necessary to secure your website and optimize resource usage. For example, if your website suffers from frequent malicious attacks from certain countries, or if you need to restrict access to certain content to users from specific countries, manually configuring an .htaccess file is an effective way to do so. This article will detail how to manually configure an .htaccess file to block country-specific IP addresses, ensuring that your website is secure and complies with your access policy. Why block country-specific access? In discussing...

    July 18, 2024 - WordPress
  • Troubleshooting and Fixing Missing WordPress Images

    When all or some of the images on your website are no longer visible, it's usually due to a file or folder that has permission issues. The following steps will help you diagnose and fix these permission issues. Checking for Permission Issues 1. Test the images for permission issues 2. Verify that the files exist 3. Connect to your host using FTP 4. Check and change Linux permissions 5. Update permissions Find and Replace WordPress Plugin WordPress uses a database to store your site's data. Find and Replace...

    July 18, 2024 - WordPress
  • Problems in local white pages

    I have installed the latest version of WordPress to date on several Mac machines. Unfortunately, on all installations supported by Mamp, I am having problems viewing the media panel, editing a post, or the page panel, and am unable to view the front and back images. In all cases, the local site returns a blank page to me.

    July 17, 2024

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