COP28: Controversies, surprises and political gamesmanship at climate conference in oil-producing countries

Importance and characteristics of COP28
1. Date and venue: November 30 to December 12, 2023, in Dubai, UAE.
2. Scale of participation: the largest in history, with some 140 Heads of Government, Heads of State and heads of international organizations.
3. Organized background: held in the UAE, one of the world's largest oil-producing countries, which is a noteworthy point.
4. Key decisions: including resolutions on "loss and damage" fund arrangements.
Key issues and controversies
1. Climate change and global warming: 2023 could be the hottest year on record, with average temperatures 1.4 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
2. Objective of the Paris Agreement: To hold the increase in global temperature below 1.5 degrees Celsius in the long term.
3. Renewable Energy Commitment: Some 100 countries have committed to tripling global renewable energy use by 2030 from current levels.
4. Fossil fuel controversy: Oil and gas companies have pledged to stop new greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, but these pledges have been criticized as insufficient to combat climate change.
5. Host country controversy: the UAE's hosting of the climate conference as an oil-producing country has sparked controversy.
The Role of China and the U.S. on Climate Change
1. China and the United States were absent: United States President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping did not attend, sending representatives of the Climate Envoy and Vice Premier, respectively.
2. Climate policy of China and the United States: As the world's largest carbon emitters, the climate policies and actions of the two countries have received widespread attention.
3. Politics and the climate nexus: Fluctuations in US-China relations have implications for cooperation between the two countries on climate issues.
Other important issues
1. Loss and Damage Fund: Participating countries adopted a resolution on the establishment of a fund aimed at helping developing countries respond to climate change.
2. Financial commitments: Several countries and organizations have announced their financial support for the Fund.
reach a verdict
COP28 was a historic conference, not only because of its size and the number of participating countries, but also because of its pivotal role in global climate governance, particularly in driving the global transition to renewable energy and addressing the challenges posed by climate change. At the same time, the controversies and decision-making at the conference reflect the complexities and challenges of global action on climate. [Read More]



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