WordPress Plugin

  • What is Elementor's Text Editor Widget?

    What is a text editor widget? A text editor widget is a versatile tool for adding and customizing text content on your website. It uses the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor, similar to the classic WordPress visual editor. Headings, paragraphs, lists, and even images and videos can be added seamlessly. In addition to the features usually found in TinyMCE editors, this widget offers more style options to change font thickness, line height, letter spacing, alignment...

    May 7, 2024 - Elementor
  • How to Use WooCommerce Product Sheets with Elementor

    WordPress makes it easy to set up a website, and WooCommerce can quickly turn any WordPress website into a fully functional online store. However, if you simply use their default settings, your website may look ordinary and fail to highlight the features of your business. WordPress and WooCommerce have a vast array of plugins that can add all sorts of powerful features to a store. Among them, Elementor is a very useful tool that...

    May 7, 2024 - Elementor
  • How to Improve WordPress Website Performance with Artificial Intelligence

    10 Uses for AI in WordPress 1. Generate Copy and Content Regularly updating content is a great way to improve your search engine rankings. But not all website owners have enough time and resources to maintain this frequency of updates. Artificial intelligence tools can simplify the process of content creation so that you don't have to spend a lot of time researching and writing. AI content generators utilize Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to understand and generate human language. Given just a few instructions, they can quickly produce content that both matches...

    2024 May 5 - WordPress Plugin
  • Elementor preview can not be loaded error how to solve ah!

    Recently, a lot of people have left comments on our website; when using Elementor editor to edit pages, they often encounter the problem of "Preview cannot be loaded error". Is there any good solution? Don't worry, let's take a look below. Possible Reasons for Elementor Failure to Load Error messages usually give us a hint about the reason behind the problem. Just like in the below image, you can easily check if there is any redirection issue on the page by just clicking on the "Preview Debug" button. In the following cases...

    May 1, 2024 - Elementor
  • How to install and activate Elementor Pro

    Elementor Pro is an extension for the free plugin Elementor Core. If you haven't downloaded Elementor Core yet, you can refer to the "Tutorial for Elementor Core (Core) Installation and Activation" for instructions on what to do before adding Elementor Pro to your WordPress site. This article will explain and complete the following process: 1. Download the Elementor Pro plugin. 2.

    2024 April 30 - Elementor
  • How Elementor Intuitively Customizes and Edits WooCommerce Product Page Templates

    Elementor allows you to design individual product pages with ease. With a simple drag-and-drop operation, you can customize the design by adjusting various elements on the page to your liking. In the past, customizing the design of WooCommerce pages usually required writing a lot of code, which was difficult for non-experts. But now it's all easier with Elementor WooCommerce Builder, no more complicated code...

    2024 April 30 - Elementor
  • How to activate Elementor's experimental features

    Elementor gives users the voluntary option to participate in testing and helping to refine new features before they are released. These new features are still in the experimental stage; so they are also called experimental features, so let's take a look at them together and how to activate them. How to use Elementor features 1. Go to Elementor > Settings > Features tab 2. Select "Active" from the dropdown list of any experiments you want to use 3. "Deactivate All" buttons to quickly apply changes...

    2024 April 29 - Elementor
  • Recommended Google SEO Optimization Tools for Cross-Border WordPress Websites

    Nowadays, more and more foreign trade websites choose to use WordPress to build, but to get a good ranking on Google, SEO optimization is especially important. And to do a good job of SEO, you can not do without some practical tools. These tools can help us easily analyze the website's keyword rankings, traffic and links, but also provides keyword research, link analysis and website analysis and other functions. Next, I will recommend several common Google SEO optimization tools to make SEO work easier and more efficient. First, SEMr...

    2024 April 29 - SEO traffic
  • Solution for slow loading of Elementor editor

    We are having slow loading while editing a wordPress page using Elementor editor. What causes this problem and is there any good solution for it? With this question in mind, let's take a look: Solutions Here are some troubleshooting procedures for slow loading of Elementor editor. Close Browser Tabs to Free Up Resources Having too many tabs open can quickly drain browser resources. Close unneeded browser tabs while editing a page. Load the editor and see what's wrong...

    2024 April 29 - Elementor
  • Tutorial for Elementor Core installation and activation

    Elementor Core is a free version of Elementor that provides basic page building functionality, allowing users to create and edit pages on WordPress sites through a drag and drop interface. This version includes many useful widgets and features for most basic website design needs. Users can use Elementor Core to quickly build responsive pages, including text, images, buttons, videos, and other elements, and style them. Elementor...

    2024 April 28 - Elementor

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