• Guide to Integrating Custom Payment Gateways into WooCommerce Checkout Blocks

    Before you get started, make sure you've checked out the full guide on how to create a WooCommerce payment gateway (it's important to read that one before reading this post). However, if you're using the latest version of WooCommerce (I think it's from 8.3 onwards), you may find that your custom payment method doesn't appear in the checkout block. For example, if you try to disable all payment methods in the store except your customized one, you may encounter the following error message: while using...

    March 21, 2024 - WordPress
  • An in-depth analysis of the new features of WordPress 6.5: Introduction to the font library

    WordPress 6.5 adds the Font Library feature, which allows users to manage fonts directly in the editor. In addition, it provides a range of APIs, which means developers have more flexibility to control and tweak this feature, or even disable it. Font Sets A font set is a collection of fonts that you can add to your website through the editor. In theme.json, these font families are listed as fontFamily items. By default, in WordPress 6.5, users have the option to add...

    March 21, 2024
  • New Interaction APIs Coming in WordPress 6.5

    Today, WordPress contributor Carlos Bravo made a big announcement: a new feature called the 'Interaction API' will be added to WordPress version 6.5. This new API was released last year and has been tested and improved through the Gutenberg plugin, and is now finally ready to become part of WordPress core. What is the Interaction API? Currently, WordPress developers face...

    March 21, 2024
  • Explore WooCommerce 8.6 and 8.6.1: New Product Details and Collection Blocks Enhance the Shopping Experience

    The latest WooCommerce 8.6 version is finally released! This update was slightly delayed due to some issues with order tracking that WooCommerce officials discovered, but don't worry, WooCommerce officials have fixed them in this release. New features include a brand new way of displaying product details and six unique product collection layouts, as well as a brand new sales column specifically designed to help you do better marketing analytics. For our developer friends, this update also brings some good news:...

    March 21, 2024
  • WordPress version 6.5 has performance improvements for internationalized (I18N) multilingual translations.

    WordPress version 6.5 has a number of internationalization (i18n) improvements, which are the focus of this developer note. Performance Improvements to the Localized Translation System Over the past year, WordPress contributors have taken a hard look at the performance of the existing internationalization (i18n) system and have created a new feature plugin called Performance Translations. This plugin provides a thoroughly optimized system that significantly improves...

    March 20, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress version 6.5 will start supporting AVIF format images!

    WordPress 6.5 will support a new image format called AVIF, which is not only higher quality, but also much smaller than older formats (such as JPEG or PNG), cutting the size in half while maintaining the same sharpness. AVIF images also display more colors, especially in areas where the image is rich in detail. AVIF images also display more colors, especially in areas where there is a lot of detail in the image. As of WordPress 6.5, as long as your site is hosted with AVIF support, you'll be able to use it like...

    March 20, 2024
  • Gutenberg 17.8 Updated Grid Layout and Allows Exporting Multiple Templates at Once

    Gutenberg version 17.8 focuses mainly on stability improvements and bug fixes, as many developers are busy preparing for the upcoming WordPress 6.5 release. However, this version also introduces some new features! Remember, WordPress 6.5 is still in beta right now, and some of the fixes for the Gutenberg plugin may be updated into the 6.5 version. However, the new features in Gutenberg 17.8 will not be in WordPre...

    March 20, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress 6.5 now supports plugin dependencies, which makes it easier for developers to manage relationships between plugins.

    WordPress 6.5 now enables dependencies between plugins. WordPress' extensibility is one of its most useful features, and it accomplishes this through plugins and the Hooks API. Many plugins are built on top of other plugins to extend their functionality. The purpose of the plugin dependency feature is to make the process of installing and activating extended plugins and the plugins they depend on consistent and simple. New plugin header A new header "Requires ...

    March 20, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress 6.5 adds a new Block Binding API feature that lets you add real-time data to a page's modules

    As the block editor has evolved, the lack of good support for custom fields has been an issue. While custom fields are still commonly used in WordPress, they were placed at the bottom of the page in the block editor and were not well integrated. However, with the new Block Bindings API, this is all about to improve. What is the Block Bindings API? Imagine if you were building a WooCommerce store and designing the homepage with...

    March 20, 2024
  • What's New: Stay up to date with WordPress updates and other exciting developments in the industry!

    As you probably know, WordPress actually supports nearly half of all websites on the Internet. But I thought it would be interesting to dig a little deeper into the trends that are affecting the WordPress community. WordPress Usage Remains Dominant and Stable Since its inception in 2003, the number of WordPress users has continued to grow: experienced WordPress consultants may remember that Drupal and Joomla were once big hits...

    March 20, 2024 - WordPress

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