
  • How to Change WordPress Link Settings (4 Easy Ways)

    WordPress addresses and website addresses (or URLs) are very important for websites. They are like your website's door number on the web, telling us how to find your website files and admin pages. You want to change your WordPress URL; for example, if you've changed to a new domain name, want to put your site under a sub-domain, no longer use the "www" prefix, want to move your site files, or are upgrading from HTTP to HTTPS. No matter what the reason, there are a number of different ways to change your URL. There are...

    May 1, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to Fix Facebook and Instagram oEmbed Issues in WordPress

    The default oEmbed or Embed block in WordPress doesn't work anymore. If this block was previously used to add Facebook or Instagram content to WordPress, it may cause errors and missing content on your WordPress site. Don't worry, we'll show you how to easily fix Facebook and Instagram embedding issues so that visitors to your WordPress...

    2024 April 24 - WordPress
  • How to Automatically Watermark Images in WordPress

    Why add watermarks to images in WordPress? Watermarks are semi-transparent logos, text, or patterns that cover an image. Watermarks are obvious but subtle so that users are not disturbed when viewing photos, but cannot download and use the files without purchasing them. This prevents unauthorized use of your images by others, thus preventing image theft. You can also use your website's logo, URL or tagline as a watermark to increase brand awareness and make it easier for users to remember where they saw the image...

    April 21, 2024 - WordPress
  • Building and Optimizing Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) with WordPress

    Progressive web apps are changing the way users interact with websites. Technically, they combine the best of what mobile apps and traditional websites have to offer. Starting from scratch with PWA technology in WordPress not only raises your game, but also allows for the creation of more engaging, accessible, and faster-loading versions of your website. Meaning businesses, bloggers and digital creators can better connect with their user base and deliver more content than ever before. What is a PWA...

    April 20, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to efficiently use wordpress loops and query loop blocks to optimize website content presentation

    What is a WordPress Loop? The WordPress Loop is the main PHP code structure used in WordPress to display post and page content. It is a block of PHP code that retrieves posts, pages and other types of content from a database and displays them on a WordPress website. How WordPress loops work WordPress loops are a core feature that makes it possible to display posts and pages when visitors browse...

    April 19, 2024 - WordPress
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP: Transforming WordPress Development

    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is an important paradigm in software that centers on "objects" - instances of classes that contain data and behavior rather than "actions". PHP, known for its server-side scripting, has benefited greatly from OOP. This is because OPP supports modular and reusable code, making it easier to maintain. In turn, this facilitates better organization and scalability for larger projects. Mastering OOP is essential for developing with WordPress themes, plugins, and custom solutions...

    April 19, 2024 - WordPress
  • How to parse Gutenberg content in WordPress

    Gutenberg is the default editor for WordPress. This editor allows content to be created and designed using discrete blocks of text, images, video, and other website elements through a drag-and-drop interface. This approach enhances the flexibility and design capabilities of WordPress. Getting Gutenberg content using the REST API To programmatically interact with a WordPress site and retrieve structured content from Gutenberg blocks, you can use the WordPress...

    April 19, 2024 - WordPress
  • Customizing WordPress for Developers: Developing Custom REST API Endpoints

    WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, but WordPress has evolved beyond just supporting traditional blog content - thanks in large part to the WordPress REST API, an amazing API that acts as a bridge between WordPress and other external web applications. This amazing API acts as a bridge between WordPress and other external web applications, allowing WordPress to better "chat" with other applications and create awesome web experiences together. This ...

    April 19, 2024 - WordPress
  • WordPress media library images not showing up? Here's the solution!

    WordPress is very popular content management system and many people use it to build websites and blogs. However, sometimes you may find that you obviously put images in the media library, but you can't see them on the page. As a result, the website is missing images and looks less perfect. So, what to do in this situation? Don't worry, tell you some common reasons why WordPress media library images don't show up, and how to solve these problems. 1、Check the file path and URL link: First of all, you have to...

    2024 April 18 - WordPress
  • How to fix WordPress website "Err Too Many Redirects" error?

    When using WordPress to build a website, you may sometimes encounter the error "Err Too Many Redirects". This error is because the site is stuck in a loop of redirects, causing the page not to load properly. This may be due to a problem with some plugin or setting. So, if we encounter such a problem, how do we fix it? Here to tell you some practical solutions. 1, clear the browser cookies and cache Sometimes, "Err Too Ma...

    2024 April 18 - WordPress

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