
  • How to activate Elementor's experimental features

    Elementor gives users the voluntary option to participate in testing and helping to refine new features before they are released. These new features are still in the experimental stage; so they are also called experimental features, so let's take a look at them together and how to activate them. How to use Elementor features 1. Go to Elementor > Settings > Features tab 2. Select "Active" from the dropdown list of any experiments you want to use 3. "Deactivate All" buttons to quickly apply changes...

    2024 April 29 - Elementor
  • Solution for slow loading of Elementor editor

    We are having slow loading while editing a wordPress page using Elementor editor. What causes this problem and is there any good solution for it? With this question in mind, let's take a look: Solutions Here are some troubleshooting procedures for slow loading of Elementor editor. Close Browser Tabs to Free Up Resources Having too many tabs open can quickly drain browser resources. Close unneeded browser tabs while editing a page. Load the editor and see what's wrong...

    2024 April 29 - Elementor
  • Tutorial for Elementor Core installation and activation

    Elementor Core is a free version of Elementor that provides basic page building functionality, allowing users to create and edit pages on WordPress sites through a drag and drop interface. This version includes many useful widgets and features for most basic website design needs. Users can use Elementor Core to quickly build responsive pages, including text, images, buttons, videos, and other elements, and style them. Elementor...

    2024 April 28 - Elementor
  • What is the Elementor website kit

    The Elementor Website Kit is a new feature offered by Elementor that contains a complete set of templates and styles designed for a specific type of website. Providing users with a fast, all-in-one solution, the entire website design can be imported directly, including pages, templates, headers, footers, and other required design elements. Each website suite is optimized for a specific industry or use, such as fitness centers, restaurants, online courses, corporate web...

    2024 April 28 - Elementor
  • Elementor Gadgets panel not loading causes and solutions

    When we are using Elementor editor to edit wordPress pages, sometimes we may encounter Elementor widget panel not loading and has a continuously rotating "loading" icon. As shown below: Possible Reasons The widget panel not loading may be due to the following reasons: Solution Below are some ways to resolve the Elementor widget panel not loading issue. Check System Requirements Ensure that the criteria in the System Requirements are met. Check the following: Add...

    2024 April 27 - Elementor
  • Elementor Text Color Cannot Be Adjusted: Solution Guide

    When editing text with Elementor, sometimes you may find that the text color does not change as expected. This may be because some settings are not applied correctly or there are other technical problems. If this happens, we need to find the root cause of the problem before solving it. Possible Causes and Solutions Here are the possible causes of the problem and their solutions: Text Inherits Source Styles This is one of the most common reasons why the text color does not change. If you copy/paste from an external source (e.g. another site) or Word document within...

    2024 April 27 - Elementor
  • How to fix custom fonts not displaying in Elementor

    When using Elementor to edit WordPress pages, I encountered the problem of custom fonts not displaying; what causes it and how to solve it? Possible causes and solutions Caching problems This problem can be caused by caching. The solution is simple: Clear the cache: HTTP/HTTPS mismatch If you have recently migrated from HTTP to HTTPS, the font files may need to be re-uploaded. To re-upload the font files: 1. From WP Admin...

    2024 April 27 - Elementor
  • Elementor won't open, stuck on loading screen, reasons and solutions

    When editing a page with Elementor, it gets stuck and displays a gray page. Possible Causes and Solutions Editing Pages Creates Conflicts If a gray page appears while editing with Elementor, it may be due to a conflict with one of the following plug-ins: Please follow the steps below to resolve the issue: 1. Activate Safe Mode. Check if this solves the problem. 2. Solve the incompatibility problem with other plug-ins as much as possible. 3. If you find any incompatibility with plug-ins, you can...

    2024 April 26 - Elementor
  • What's up with the missing Elementor button in the WP admin bar for the Edit button?

    After we installed the Elementor plugin, the WordPress admin bar does not provide a button for editing with Elementor What's going on? Possible Reasons and Solutions Below are some possible reasons and corresponding solutions. Elementor post type is not set The post type is not selected in the Elementor settings. The solution to this problem is quite simple, just do the following: 1. Log in to the WP administrator. 2. 2...

    2024 April 26 - Elementor
  • Reasons and solutions for not being able to edit with Elementor

    When editing with Elementor, sometimes you may encounter many problems, such as: displaying a blank page called "White Screen of Death"; displaying a gray page that loads indefinitely; widget panels that are grayed out or load endlessly. When you click "Edit with Elementor", you don't see the editing page, but go to the live page instead; the Edit with Elementor link is not available, etc. Let's analyze the cause. Don't worry, let's analyze the causes and solutions together. Possible Causes There are several possible causes...

    2024 April 26 - Elementor

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