Server operation and maintenance

  • 502 Bad Gateway Errors: Causes, Prevention, and Solutions

    What is a 502 Bad Gateway error? 502 Bad Gateway is when a web server, acting as a gateway or proxy server, receives an invalid response from an upstream server, such as an application server. This is usually caused by the upstream server not working properly or not responding in a timely manner. When a user tries to access a Web site, the Web server forwards the request to the application server. If the application server is unable to process the request or is unable to respond in a timely manner, the Web server will return a 50...

    March 2023 24
  • What should you look for when you need to modify the database in Magento?

    In Magento, if you need to modify a database, you can usually do so by following these steps: Please note that modifying a database is a very sensitive and dangerous operation and requires great care. Before modifying your database, be sure to back up your data and validate and test it between your test and production environments. If you are unsure how to make changes, be sure to consult a Magento professional or developer to avoid unnecessary risks and losses. Hopefully, these steps will help you better understand how to make changes in Mage...

    March 2023 23
  • How to realize the domain name forced jump? Cautions and steps in detail

    Domain name forced redirection refers to the automatic redirection of all requests to visit a website to a specified domain name or subdomain name, in order to achieve the purpose of unifying the way of website access. In the actual operation of the website, the implementation of domain name forced redirection can help optimize the user experience of the website, improve the SEO ranking of the website, and at the same time can also ensure the security of user data. Below, we will introduce how to realize the domain name of the mandatory jump, as well as in the realization of the process matters needing attention. Different Web servers have different ways of configuration, so you need to choose a Web server when...

    2023 March 18
  • Installing Python 3.9 on Linux: Detailed Steps and Notes

    Here is a shared tutorial on installing Python 3.9: Python is a popular programming language that is widely used in web development, data science, artificial intelligence, etc. The latest version of Python is 3.9, and in this article, we will show you how to install Python 3.9 on your Linux system. Steps: Open a terminal and update the list of packages on your system with the following command: sqlCopy codesudo apt update Use the following commands to install the Python compilation and an...

    2023 March 18
  • How to deal with server crashes due to user surges? A detailed guide

    In response to a sudden surge in users, we can take the following measures: To avoid unnecessary trouble when dealing with a surge in users, we need to plan ahead and anticipate. We need to plan and anticipate in advance in order to avoid unnecessary trouble when there is a surge of users. Specific measures are as follows: When the number of users of a website or an application starts to surge, we need to strengthen the servers and network infrastructure. Specific measures are as follows: Load balancing technology can distribute user requests to multiple servers, thus reducing the pressure on a single server. Caching static content reduces the stress on servers and improves the performance of a website or application. Caching static content reduces the stress on the server and improves the performance of the website or application.

    March 2023 17
  • DDOS Attacks: Principles, Impacts, Prevention and Treatment

    DDoS attack refers to the use of a large number of computers, servers, IoT devices, etc. to launch large-scale attacks, so that the target website, servers and other service resources can not provide normal service. DDOS attacks are usually launched by the attacker through the manipulation of a large number of "zombie" devices, which are infected with remote control, and become the attacker's "army" used to carry out attacks. These devices are infected and remotely controlled, and become the attacker's "army" and are used to carry out the attack. The principle of the attack is to send a large number of requests to consume the resources of the target service, such as network bandwidth, CPU, memory, etc., so that the target service can not be normal...

    2023 March 14
  • How can I see how many physical CPUs and the number of cores per CPU there are on my current Linux system?

    You can use the command line tool lscpu to view the CPU information of the current Linux system, including the number of physical CPUs, the number of cores of each physical CPU, the CPU model, and so on. Open the terminal, enter the following command to view CPU information: copy codelscpu After executing this command, the output will be similar to the following message: lessCopy codeArchitecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s):...

    March 1, 2023
  • What are the common commands for linux?

    Linux is a Unix-based operating system that provides many powerful command-line tools and commands. Here are some common Linux commands: These are just a small selection of Linux commands, there are many other commands and options. Familiarizing yourself with these commands and understanding how to use them is important for working and managing on a Linux system.

    March 1, 2023
  • How to Install Python on a Linux Server

    There are usually two ways to install Python on Linux: through a package manager or manually. Here we introduce the method of installing Python through a package manager: Linux distributions usually come with Python, but it may be an older version of Python. to install the latest version of Python, you can use a package manager to install it. Different Linux distributions use different package managers. Below is a list of the major distributions and their corresponding package managers and the fate of installing Python...

    March 1, 2023
  • How should we adjust when a website is overloaded with traffic and the server crashes?

    When website traffic is overloaded, the server crash may be caused by insufficient server resources or excessive load. In order to adjust this situation, the following measures can be taken: The above are some common adjustment measures, but the specific adjustment method needs to depend on the actual situation. In the adjustment process, attention needs to be paid to maintaining the stability and reliability of the website to avoid more serious problems. Meanwhile, it is recommended to take precautionary measures in advance, such as setting up alerts and backup servers to minimize the impact of server crashes.

    March 1, 2023

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