
  • WordPress Website Security: The Role of Firewalls and Optimization Methods

    WordPress Firewall is like a special protection tool designed specifically for WordPress websites. It is actually a Web Application Firewall (WAF) designed to protect your WordPress website from all kinds of web attacks. The Concept of a Firewall A firewall is like a doorman in your home, which is placed between your computer network and the outside internet. Its job is to check all incoming and outgoing messages and decide what can get through and what can't, just like a doorman decides who can come in and who can't. Doing so is...

    April 1, 2024 - firewalls
  • Solution Revealed: How to Effectively Respond to Website Crashes in a Load-Balanced Environment

    With load balancing deployed, websites may still experience crashes. This is usually due to misconfiguration, insufficient resources, or application issues. Below are some steps and suggestions to solve the problem. 1. Diagnose the problem First, we need to check the web server (such as Apache or Nginx) and PHP error logs. This can be done with the following commands It is also very important to monitor the server performance. Tools like htop or iotop can be used for real-time monitoring. 2. server resources and configuration ...

    January 5, 2024
  • In-Depth Analysis: Optimizing PHP Applications to Efficiently Handle MySQL High Concurrency

    Introduction As web applications become more and more performance-critical, optimizing PHP applications for highly concurrent MySQL access becomes a major challenge for developers. This article explores a number of strategies to provide concrete and practical solutions. Strategy 1: Efficient Use of Persistent Connections Persistent connections reduce the overhead of frequently establishing and closing database connections. Key points include: Strategy 2: Details of Caching Strategies 2.1 In-Memory Caching 2.2 Application-Level Caching Strategy 3: The Art of Database Index Optimization ...

    2023 December 14 - Server operation and maintenance
  • PHP Handling Strategies for Highly Concurrent Environments: The Complete Guide

    Introduction In the web world, high concurrency is a challenge that many websites and applications have to face. When the number of users surges and requests to the system peaks, the server may become overloaded, resulting in longer web page response times and even server crashes. This article will demystify some effective strategies and tools that can help your PHP application better handle high concurrency environments. First, Use Load Balancing Load balancing is a technique that evenly distributes incoming network traffic to back-end servers. It helps to reduce the pressure on individual servers and improve the overall...

    May 2023 30
  • How to block Chinese IPs and Chinese browsers from accessing your self-built website

    Blocking China IP Addresses Before blocking China IP addresses, you need to know your own IP address. You can get your IP address by visiting WhatIsMyIPAddress. After determining your IP address, you can follow the steps below to block China IP address. Step 1: Get a list of Chinese IP addresses There are two ways to get a list of Chinese IP addresses: Step 2: Configure a firewall on your server After getting a list of Chinese IP addresses, you need to configure a firewall on your server. As ...

    March 8, 2023
  • Why open my domain name into someone else's website - domain hijacking

    The appearance of other people's websites when you open your own domain name may be due to the following reasons: Here are ways to solve these problems: To prevent DNS hijacking, we can take the following measures: To prevent the server from being hacked, we can take the following measures: To prevent malware infection, we can take the following measures:

    March 8, 2023

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