• WordPress directory generated temp-write-test * and other 0 byte file solution

    Suddenly found WordPress wp-content directory generated a lot of temp-write-test * 0 byte file, although 0 bytes do not take up hard disk capacity, but the number is too large, sometimes up to hundreds of thousands of files, it is very much affected by the operation of the site, this article will introduce how to prohibit the generation of such files. This file is usually in the /wp-content/ directory, or /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or /wp-conten...

  • How to Create a Recent Comments Page in WordPress

    Want to display all the latest comments on your WordPress site? This is a great way to engage users in discussions. Creating such a page on WordPress is now very easy with the "Recent Comments" block. We'll show you how to easily create a recent comments page in WordPress. Why should I create a recent comments page? Comments are very important when building a community on a WordPress site. They allow readers to participate in discussions, ask questions, and interact with our webmaster. ...

  • How to Create a "Sticky" Floating Footer Bar in WordPress

    Are you looking for a way to create a sticky floating footer bar in WordPress? A sticky floating footer bar will always be displayed at the bottom of your website even if the user scrolls through the page. This way, you can use it to promote offers or social media accounts, entice users to stay longer, and increase conversions. Next, we'll show you step by step how to easily create one of these sticky floating footer bars on WordPress. What is a Floating Footer Bar in WordPress? A sticky floating footer bar allows...

  • WordPress Bulk Modify Post Publishing Time

    Bulk modifying the publish time of a post is an important and useful feature in WordPress administration. Why modify the time? Batch modification of article release time can optimize the order of displaying article content, so that the post release time of a certain board is advanced or pushed back. First of all, let's first introduce a few time WordPress posts saved in the database time format and field description: post_date format 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Recorded post release time po...

  • WordPress bind multiple domain name tutorial, so that multiple domain names can access the same WordPress site

    Tutorial ideas: the need to bind the domain name, we first set up a new website in Pagoda, and then let the site use the WordPress program files, and finally add the corresponding code in the program files to achieve the effect of multiple domain names to access the same site. Description: The following example: www.123.com for the initial site need to increase the binding of the domain name for www.a.com www.b.com www.c.com等等 1, the establishment of the need to bind the domain name for the new site First, the need to bind ...

    2024 April 16 - WordPress
  • Ways to fix 500 error after WordPress installation

    WordPress is a commonly used tool that allows people to easily build their own website or blog. But sometimes, after installing WordPress, you may encounter a headache - 500 Internal Server Error. This error means that the server is having a little trouble processing your request and can't respond correctly. What to do then? Don't worry, there are many possible reasons for this error, and below we'll give you some common solutions to help you find the root cause of the problem and fix it so that your WordPress...

  • WordPress not logged in users (visitors) only show a picture in the article Used to guide users to register

    There are times when we publish a file and add multiple images, but how do we make it so that unlogged in users (visitors) can only see one image? After the user logs in, he can see all the pictures in the article. Then this article introduces the following, modify the file code to achieve this effect, so that you can guide the user to register. The first step, in the theme folder funtions.php (path /wp-content/themes/your theme name/funtions.php) file to add the following code (at the end of the file) Second ...

    2024 April 16
  • How to Modify WordPress User IDs

    In the process of using WordPress, some users are deleted, ID is empty, then want to register behind the user, use these unoccupied ID, how do we go to modify it? So this article, will introduce the following if you modify the WordPress user ID. Just add the code in the funtions file can be done. Add the following code to the current theme functions.php file (path /wp-content/themes/your main ...

    2024 April 16
  • WordPress poster auto-generation function: one click to generate image sharing with QR code

    In order to help many blog type personal websites or official websites to share their contents more conveniently, a simple and efficient one-click poster generation function has been designed. With this feature, you can easily generate image sharing posters with QR codes, making your content easier to spread and promote. With one click operation, you can generate beautiful posters to make your blog or official website content more attractive and attract more readers to pay attention and share. For example: So what do we have to do to realize this function? Pre-preparation: unzip the following zip file, copy all the files obtained to the theme...

  • WordPress website construction optimization strategy: domain name selection, server configuration, theme installation, keyword ranking improvement and content optimization techniques

    Domain name purchase We do Chinese, the domain name choice in the Ali cloud purchase is good, including our own is also the choice of the Ali cloud, relatively speaking cost-effective is relatively high. Aliyun registered domain name https://wanwang.aliyun.com/ quickly improve the ranking of the site, the new domain name is a good choice. A new domain name helps search engines to better recognize and include your website, thus helping you to rank your website faster. Of course, choosing a new domain name is only one aspect of ranking improvement, and other factors need to be taken into account...

    2024 April 11 - SEO traffic

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