Authora Handwriting - Handwriting Fonts

Authora Handwriting - Handwriting Fonts - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response
Authora Handwriting - Handwriting Fonts
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Authora Handwriting It is a carefully crafted handwritten script font designed to present an authentic handwriting style. Its smooth and natural strokes and delicate ligatures give the font personality and warmth. Ideal for those who need toPersonalization & Authenticitydesign projects such asInvitations, branding, editorial layoutetc. to add a unique charm to your work and make it stand out.

Image[1]-Authora Handwriting - Handwriting Fonts - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response!


OTF, TTF, WOFF files
Upper & Lower case letters
Numbers & Punctuation
PUA coding, supports all design software
Multi-language support
Mac and Windows compatible and easy to install

Image[2]-Authora Handwriting - Handwriting Fonts - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response!

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