介绍我们的新产品,名为 MOONIC。在制作这款字体时,我们的首要任务是确保每个字形的整洁。Moonic 字体强调现代奢华和优雅的印象。Moonic 适用于各种设计项目,如海报、横幅、徽标、邀请函、杂志封面、引用语、标题、印刷产品、社交媒体等。
![图片[1]-Moonic – 奢华衬线字体-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
You will get:
- OTF and TTF font versions
- Regular and italicized versions
- Alternative glyphs and hyphens
- Numbers and punctuation
- Multi-language support
- Compatible with PC and Mac
- simple installation
![图片[2]-Moonic – 奢华衬线字体-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
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This article was written by: upupdowndownLRLRBABA
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