Drivschol 驾校模板包是专为您的驾校网站设计的。提供简便直观的驾校体验,Drivschol 是一个独特的在线驾校网站模板,旨在根据最新的趋势设计,简化并改善学生和教师的在线驾校体验。修改此模板包不需要编写代码。Drivschol 模板包使用 Elementor 网站构建器,适用于 Hello 主题,且全部免费。
![图片[1]-Drivschol – 驾校 Elementor 模板包-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
![图片[2]-Drivschol – 驾校 Elementor 模板包-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
![图片[3]-Drivschol – 驾校 Elementor 模板包-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
Required plug-ins:
- Elementor
- MetForm
- ElementsKit Lite
- 3 种主页设计
- No coding knowledge required
- Fully compatible with Elementor Free Edition (no Elementor Pro required)
- Includes header and footer builder
- Unique and modern style
- 清晰干净的布局
- cross-browser compatibility
- Post Widget
- 轮播滑动框(可创建任意内容的滑动效果)
- 响应式且支持视网膜显示
- 兼容大多数 WordPress 主题
- 为搜索引擎优化
How to use the template package:
- Download Template Package: Download the template package file from Envato and make sure not to unzip it. If you are using Safari, make sure that "Open Safe Files After Download" is disabled in your browser preferences.
- Setting up permanent links: Go to Settings > Permanent LinksMake sure that "Article Name" is selected.
- Installation of Hello Elementor Theme: Go to Appearance > Themes > Add New ThemeMake sure to install and enable the Hello Elementor Theme. If Elementor is not already installed, you will be prompted to install it.
- Installation of required plug-ins: Go to plug-in (software component)Make sure to install and update the Elementor respond in singing Envato Elements Plugins. If the template package requires Elementor Pro, it must be installed and connected to your account now.
- Upload template package: Go to Elements > Installed template packagesClick Upload Template Pack Zip(or click on Template Pack to view).
- Installation of required plug-ins: Check the orange banner at the top and click on the Installation of required plug-ins to load any plugins required by the template package.
- Importing Global Styles: First click on Import Global Template StylesThis will set the site settings.
- Importing templates one by one: Import the templates one by one in order. These templates are stored in Elementor's Templates > Saved Templates in it and can be reused.
- Create page: Go to web pageto create a new page and click Using Elementor EditorsIn the builder, select Elementor Full Width and hide the page title. Then import the page you need to customize.
- Setting the homepage: Go to Settings > ReadingSelection Static HomeThe
- 导入幻灯片/标签块。您可以导入多个并在 Templates > Saved Templates 下找到副本进行自定义。
- 导入包含幻灯片/标签的模板。
- 右键点击页面以打开导航器,并定位到 rotate maybe tab (of a window) (computing) Widget.
- 在元素选项的常规标签中,从下拉菜单中选择幻灯片或标签模板。
© Reprint statement
This article was written by Early Season
Link to this article: article is copyrighted and must be reproduced with attribution.
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