Volthub 是一个 Elementor 模板包,专为快速、轻松地创建现代化、专业的网站而设计,适用于电动汽车充电站业务。此模板包提供了一个完全兼容的设计系统,并精心挑选了高质量的图片,帮助您为下一个项目奠定优质品牌基础。优化后的设计与免费的 Hello Elementor 主题完美兼容,经过精细调校,具有快速加载和完全响应式的特点。
![图片[1]-Volthub – 电动汽车充电站 Elementor 模板包-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
![图片[2]-Volthub – 电动汽车充电站 Elementor 模板包-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
![图片[3]-Volthub – 电动汽车充电站 Elementor 模板包-光子波动网 | 专业WordPress修复服务,全球范围,快速响应](
What the template package contains:
- Home
- About Us
- service page
- Team Page
- Testimonials
- common problems
- 404 Error Page
- blog page
- single-post blog
- Contact Us
Fonts used:
- Blinker
- Roboto
Installed plug-ins:
- Elementor
- ElementsKit
- Jeg Elementor Kit
- Metform
How to use the template package:
This template pack is not a WordPress theme. The template pack contains only Elementor design data and is installed via the Envato Elements plugin or directly via Elementor.
How to import Metform:
If you have Elementor Pro, skip the Metform and form block installations.
- Import Metform block templates.
- Import the page template containing the form and right-click to enable the navigator.
- Locate and select the Metform widget and click Edit Form. Select the newly built, then click Edit Form and the builder will be displayed.
- Click on the Add Template gray folder icon.
- Click on the My Templates tab.
- Select your imported Metform template and click "Insert" (click on Page Setup and select "No").
- Once the template is loaded, make any desired customizations and click "Update and Close". The form will be displayed in the template.
- strike (on the keyboard) updateThe
如何在 Jeg Elementor Kit 插件中设置头部:
如果您有 Elementor Pro,头部和底部可以在主题构建器中进行自定义。
- switch to Jeg Elementor Kit 菜单项 > Header templateThe
- strike (on the keyboard) 新增头部The
- 添加条件 > 选择“全站”,点击 establishThe
- 点击铅笔图标编辑,Elementor 会显示。
- 点击灰色文件夹图标访问“我的模板”选项卡,插入头部模板。
- Customize and save.
Link to this article: article is copyrighted and must be reproduced with attribution.
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