Gastela - brush handwriting font with decorative strokes

Gastela - brush handwriting fonts with decorative strokes - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress repair service, global reach, fast response
Gastela - brush handwriting font with decorative strokes
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Gastela is a beautiful handwritten brush font featuring elegant decorative strokes at the beginning and end of the letters. It offers ligatures that allow certain letter combinations to be smoothly joined, giving a more natural and authentic look.

Image[1]-Gastela - Brushstroke Handwriting Font with Decorative Strokes - Photon Fluctuation | Professional WordPress repair service, worldwide, fast response!

When using decorative strokes (tails) at the beginning and end of letters, you don't need to use software that supports OpenType because we've made them separate, making them very easy to use.

Image[2]-Gastela - Brushstroke Handwriting Font with Decorative Strokes - Photon Fluctuation | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Coverage, Fast Response

Contains files:

  • Gastela-Regular (OTF, TTF, Webfont)
  • Gastela-Tail (OTF, TTF, Webfont)

Features: hyphenation, stylistic alternative glyphs, multi-language support and PUA encoding.

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