QUART - Unique Display/Header Fonts

QUART - Unique Display/Header Fonts - photonwave.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Reach, Quick Response
QUART - Unique Display/Header Fonts
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QUART Fonts: unique display fonts, perfect for headlines and branding

Image[1]-QUART - Unique Display/Header Fonts - Photonwave.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response

QUART is a unique font designed for headlines, large print text, branding, logos and display purposes. Perfect for creating great logos, promotional content and marketing graphics, this font is effective in grabbing visitors' attention. Check out the examples above to see the power of this font.

QUART fonts provide a single font weight, but contain two styles (regular and outline). The font package contains OTF, TTF and web fonts (all EOT, SVG, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2 format files are included).

Image[2]-QUART - Unique Display/Header Fonts - Photonwave.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response

Design Acknowledgments:

This font was created by Fontastica (formerly Unique Foundry) and published by Designova.

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