
Zetan-Fonts-Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response
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Zetan Metal Modern Fonts: Add boldness and power to your creative projects!

"Zetan Metal Modern Typeface" is a powerful and bold typeface that perfectly blends the power of brutalism with the modern aesthetic of death metal. If you're looking to make a bold statement in your designs, Zetan is the ideal choice to accomplish this.

Image[1] - Zetan - Fonts - Photon Flux | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response

Key Features:

  • Sturdy and stable styling: Zetan has a strong and solid design that is perfect for projects that require an expression of toughness and strength.
  • Alternate characters: The font includes a wide range of alternative characters, so you can further customize the typography to create a unique effect.
  • Upper and lower case letter options: Zetan offers two uppercase alternative character options, one lowercase alternative character option, and three numeric alternative character options. This many options gives you more room for creativity.
  • with the symbol option: Zetan also includes a substitution with symbolic characters, perfect for adding a unique style to your designs.
Image[2]-Zetan-Fonts-Photonflux.com | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Global Coverage, Fast Response

You will get:

  • Zetan fonts (with uppercase and lowercase letters)
  • Hyphens, numbers and punctuation
  • Multi-language support (Latin Western European)

The combination of different character options of Zetan fonts offers endless possibilities for your creative projects. Whether it's an album cover, poster, branding design or any other project, Zetan will give you a unique visual effect.

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