Kesetroom - Elementor Template Suite for E-Commerce

Kesetroom - Ecommerce Elementor Template Suite - Photon Flux Network | Professional WordPress Repair Service, Worldwide, Fast Response
Kesetroom - Elementor Template Suite for E-Commerce
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Kesetroom - Electro Webstore is a customized headless e-commerce solution for electronics stores and online stores built on WordPress. This versatile template integrates seamlessly with Elementor to help you easily build compelling electronics online stores. The homepage greets visitors with an engaging layout that ensures a smooth browsing experience right from the start.

Tell your brand's story, build trust and connect with potential customers on the About Us page. Showcase a variety of electronic products on product pages and provide detailed information through individual product pages. Showcase the additional services your store offers through the Services page, with the Service Details page providing comprehensive insights. Add a personal touch to the business by introducing your team members through the Team page. Facilitate direct communication through the Contact Us page, providing a convenient platform for inquiries and support.


  • True zero-code customization with drag-and-drop visual builder
  • Customize fonts and colors in one place, or fine-tune individual elements individually
  • Modern, professional design
  • Quick Load
  • Compatible with most Elementor themes

take note of
This is a headless e-commerce solution that needs to be integrated with the shopping cart plugin or platform of choice.

include page

  • homepage
  • About Us
  • offerings
  • single product
  • service
  • Service Details
  • teams
  • Contact Us

Installed plug-ins

  • Jeg Elementor Kit
  • Metform

How to install the template kit

  1. Download the template file andDon't unzip it.
  2. go into Settings > PermalinksMake sure to select Post Name
  3. go into Appearance > Themes > Add NewTo ensure installation and activation of the Hello Elementor
  4. go into PluginsTo ensure that the latest versions of Elementor and Envato Elements are installed, you need to have the latest version of Elementor and Envato Elements installed.
  5. go into Elements > Installed KitsClick Upload Template Kit buttons
  6. Click on the orange banner at the top and click Installation of required plug-ins
  7. Import the templates one by one, ensuring that they are imported in order and that the templates are stored in the Elementor > Templates > Saved Templates center
  8. exist Pages > Create New Page clicking on Using Elementor Editors

How to import Metform

  1. Importing Metform Block Templates
  2. Import the page template containing the form and right-click to enable the navigator
  3. Select the Metform widget and click Edit FormSelection newly builtThen edit the form
  4. strike (on the keyboard) Add TemplateSelection My TemplatesClick stick
  5. After completing the customization click on Update and close

How to set the header in the Jeg Elementor Kit plugin

  1. go into Jeg Elementor Kit > Header Template
  2. strike (on the keyboard) Add new header
  3. Set the conditions to Entire siteClick establish
  4. Click on the gray folder icon to select and insert the header template
  5. Customize and save

Contact Us
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