What does 502 Bad Gateway mean? Common Causes and Solutions

Have you ever encountered a "502 Bad Gateway" error?

When visiting certain websites, you may suddenly encounter "502 Bad Gateway" error, an error that not only affects the browsing experience of the average user, but can also cause considerable trouble for website owners and developers.

So, what does 502 Bad Gateway mean? Why does this error occur? How to troubleshoot and fix it? This article will analyze the causes of 502 error and provide practical fixes to help you improve the stability and availability of your website.

Image [1]-502 What does Bad Gateway mean? Common Causes and Solutions, Quickly Fix Website Errors

502 What is the Bad Gateway error?

502 Bad Gateway is a type of HTTP status code that indicates that theServer acts as a gateway or proxy and receives invalid responses from upstream servers. It is when a user sends a request to a website, the request is processed by multiple servers, and if one of the servers (usually a reverse proxy server or aload balancer) fails to receive a valid response from the upstream server, a 502 error is returned.

502 Errors usually involve CDN (Content Delivery Network), proxy servers, load balancers, hosting servers communication problems between them, so it's not as 404 ErrorIt's as simple as that (404 just means the requested page doesn't exist).

502 Common Manifestations of Bad Gateway Errors

Different servers or service providers may display different styles of 502 error pages, here are some common 502 error messages:

  • 502 Bad Gateway
  • HTTP Error 502 - Bad Gateway
  • 502 Proxy Error
  • 502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
  • 502 Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request
  • NGINX 502 Bad Gateway

These error pages may look different, but they all mean the same thing - theServer failed to receive a valid responseThe

Image [2]-502 What does Bad Gateway mean? Common Causes and Solutions, Quickly Fix Website Errors

502 Common Causes of Bad Gateway Errors

502 errors can be caused by a number of factors, the following are some of the most common:

1. Overloaded or under-resourced servers

When there is a surge in website traffic, the server may not be able to handle the large number of requests, causing the response to time out and return a 502 error. Common causes include:

  • Insufficient server bandwidth to handle high traffic visits
  • Exhaustion of CPU and RAM resources, resulting in server crash
  • Too many database queries, resulting in server overload


  • Monitor server performance to see CPU, RAM and network bandwidth usage
  • configure load balancingThe following are some examples of how you can distribute traffic to multiple servers
  • Using a CDN(e.g. Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront) Cache static resources to reduce server burden
Image [3]-502 What does Bad Gateway mean? Common Causes and Solutions to Quickly Fix Website Errors

2. Nginx or Apache configuration errors

If your site uses the Nginx or Apache as web server or reverse proxy, a misconfiguration may result in a 502 error. Example:

  • Nginx proxy backend server (e.g. PHP-FPM) crashes
  • Apache server timed out and did not return data to the reverse proxy
  • Nginx cannot process PHP requests due to FastCGI process pool exhaustion.
Image [4]-502 What does Bad Gateway mean? Common Causes and Solutions to Quickly Fix Website Errors


  • Check the error logs for Nginx or Apache:tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
    tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
  • Restart the Nginx / Apache server:systemctl restart nginx
    systemctl restart apache2
  • adapt PHP-FPM's max_children settingto increase the size of the PHP process pool

3. DNS resolution issues

When a DNS resolution error occurs, the server may not be able to properly resolve the IP address of a website, resulting in a 502 error. This usually happens:

  • After website migrationDNS records are not up to date
  • Slow DNS propagationThe website resolves to the old IP address when accessed by users in different parts of the world.
  • CDN Configuration ErrorIf the CDN server cannot find the source site, the CDN server will not be able to find the source site.


  • Check for correct DNS resolution::nslookup yourdomain.com
    dig yourdomain.com
  • If the DNS record has just been modified, wait 24-48 hours to ensure DNS propagation is complete
  • utilization Google Public DNS ( maybe Cloudflare DNS ( Improved parsing speed

If you want to quickly set up an efficient and stable WordPress site, in addition to DNS, you may refer to this articleNewbie can also quickly get started: Ali cloud + pagoda panel to build WordPress website full strategy"., detailing the entire process from server selection to environment configuration.

4. Requests blocked by firewalls or security plug-ins

It is possible that some WAF (Web Application Firewall) maybe Security Plug-ins Misclassified a legitimate request as attack traffic, resulting in a 502 error.


  • Check the server or Web FirewallLogs to see if there are any false positives
  • If you are using a service such as Cloudflare, try temporarily disabling the WAF rule

5. Server or CDN connectivity issues

If the site uses the CDN (e.g. Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront) maybe load balancerThen it might be:

  • CDN server cannot connect to the source
  • The source station returns a timeout error
  • Load balancer back-end server unavailable


  • Check if "Origin Server" in the Cloudflare console returns 502
  • Visit the source IP directly to see if it loads correctly!

How to fix 502 Bad Gateway error quickly?

How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway Error Quickly

If you encounter a 502 error, you can follow the steps below to troubleshoot and fix it:

1. Refresh the page and clear the cache

Sometimes the 502 error is only temporary, press Ctrl + F5 Force a page refresh, orClear Browser CacheTry again later.

2. Checking server status using command-line tools

ping (computing): test server is reachable

<code>ping yourdomain.com<br>traceroute yourdomain.com<br></code>

Sample Output:

PING yourdomain.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=10.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=10.3 ms

If there is return data, it means that the server is reachable and there is no problem with the network.

Image [6]-502 What does Bad Gateway mean? Common Causes and Solutions to Quickly Fix Website Errors

Or use:

<code>curl -I yourdomain.com<br></code>

This returns the HTTP response header without fetching the page content. This is useful for quickly checking that the server is functioning properly, and that the HTTP status codes it returns (such as the 200,502,500etc.)

If the server is not responding, it means that the problem may be on the server side.

3. Checking server logs

ferret out Nginx,Apache,PHP-FPM of the error log to determine the exact cause.

4. Restart the server or related services

If you have server administrative privileges, tryRestart NginxThe process of the Apache or PHP process will be used to create a new process for the Apache or PHP process:

<code>systemctl restart nginx<br>systemctl restart apache2<br>systemctl restart php-fpm<br></code>

reach a verdict

502 Bad Gateway errors can be caused by a variety of reasons, such asServer overload,DNS resolution error,Firewall issuesmaybe CDN Configuration Error. With the right troubleshooting steps, you can quickly find the problem and take the appropriate steps to fix it.

Optimize your network architecture to reduce the occurrence of such errors by regularly monitoring the status of your servers. Hopefully, this article will help you understand the 502 error better and resolve it successfully!

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