WordPress Installation Tutorial: Quick Installation of WordPress Website on Tencent Cloud

In this article, we will give you a detailed description of how to on Tencent CloudQuickly Build a WordPress WebsiteIt helps you to start your website journey easily.

I. Why choose Tencent Cloud?

  • Stability and high performanceTencent Cloud provides cloud servers (CVM) with strong performance and high reliability, which are suitable for hosting various types of websites such as small and medium-sized enterprises and personal blogs.
  • fast access: As a leading cloud service provider in China, Tencent Cloud has multiple data centers around the world to ensure stable and rapid website access speeds.
  • Flexible resourcing: You are free to choose the configuration of the cloud server according to your needs, ensuring that the website resources are allocated according to your needs and avoiding the waste of resources.
  • Inexpensive:Tencent Cloud's servers are currently the cheapest of the major service providers, and theSupport 7 days no reason to returnThe

Second, buy cloud servers

  • Go to "Lightweight Application Server"Product page
Image [1]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website
  • Select the configuration (recommended for newbies):
    • Geography: selected according to user groups (Guangzhou/Shanghai for domestic users, Silicon Valley for me)
    • Templates: Application Templates → Pagoda Linux Panel
    • Package: 2-core 1G 40GB SSD
Picture [2]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website

Click "Buy Now" can be done, after the payment is completed, this cloud server purchase is complete.

Third, install WordPress

  • Go to the Tencent Cloud console and click "server (computer)", you can see the basic information about the server after purchase
Image [3]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Click "application management", then click on the red box "make a copy of" button, this action is to copy this linux command, configure and install the environment, followed by clicking the "log in"Button.
Image [4]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • In the input box, paste Ctrl+V, the command you just copied, and then the server proceeds to install the software environment. After the installation is completedRemember to copy the information in the red box and keep it!This information is then required
Image [5]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • In the input box of your local browser, enter the information you just copied, "Extranet panel address"
Image [6]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • followPagoda PanelOn the login page, at username and password, enter the username and password you just copied.
Image [7]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • After entering the panel, you will be prompted to install the recommended suite, these are the software environment needed to install wordpress, it is recommended to install "LNMP", the installation method is recommended "compile and install" for maximum performance, or if you're pressed for time you can opt for "Extremely fast installation"
Image [8]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build WordPress website on Tencent cloud
  • Then the panel will enter the state of installation, wait here can, this page do not have too many operations, but you can choose to close the page, because these are cloud operations, after closing the page, the program will still install itself.
Image [9]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • In the process of installation, we can first prepare the domain name and domain name resolution, if you do not have a domain name, you can go to Ali Cloud and Tencent Cloud and other such large cloud service providers to buy a domain name.
Image [10]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • If you have a domain name or have just purchased it, start the domain name resolution operation.The purpose of resolution is to transfer a domain name (e.g. www.example.com) is bound to an IP address (e.g. I purchased my domain name from AliCloud and went to AliCloud's "Domain Name Console", select the domain name that needs to be resolved and click "analyze"
Picture [11]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website
  • Click "Add Record"
Picture [12]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website
  • Record typeSelect "A".Host RecordsEnter "@".recorded valueimportationPublic IP address of the cloud serverThe following is an example of how to do this.recognize". Then click on this add record again, this time the operation is the same as the first add record, except that you need to add the record in the "Host Records"Branch output"www", not "@", followed by clicking on "recognize"Just save it.
Image [13]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Normal domain name resolution looks like the following image after the configuration is completed. This way domain name resolution is completed
Image [14]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Once the panel's environment installation is complete, return to the panel's main interface and select "node", click on "Add site", ready to start installing the wordpess main program
Image [15]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Click "One-click deployment", select the template deployment of "WordPress 6.7.2", in the red box below, enter the just parseddomain nameClick on "recognize"can be
Picture [16]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website
  • After the deployment installation is complete, you will be prompted with the following image.Remember to save the information in the alert box, because these are the login information for the wordpress backend, which will be needed later with theThe
Image [17]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Now to start setting up the SSL certificate.SSL certificate it is to ensure that the data exchange between the website and the user is secure, preventing sensitive information (such as login credentials, payment information) from being stolen or tampered with by third parties.Click "non-deployed"
Picture [18]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website
  • Here it will go to "Site modifications" page, first click "SSL", then click on "Let's Encrypt", click on "Application for certificates".This action is to request an SSL certificate certified by Pagoda Panel(math.) genusFor the free version, security than the big operators to provide a little worse, but wins in the free, novice friends enough to build a website.
Picture [19]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website
  • Select the domain name to apply for, check the box and click "Application for certificates", followed by clicking on the page just above "deployments" can be, so that the site can get SSL certificate encryption, the security of the site has been guaranteed.
Image [20]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • In the address box of your browser, type in what you've just been prompted withSite URL, go to the WordPress backend and enter the aboveUser name, password, database nameClick on "submit (a report etc)"
Image [21]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Enter site information here.caption,user IDrespond in singingcryptographic(math.) genusRemember to save your username and password, as this is the account that logs you into the WordPress backend!Click on "Installing WordPress"
Image [22]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Enter the username and password registered in the image above, so we are logged into the WordPress backend page!
Image [23]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud

Fourth, set up a WordPress site

  • We have completed the above steps and are now successfully on the WordPress backend page.
Image [24]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • Click "exterior condition", choose a template, I chose the default template "II O II III", click on "start using" so that we can design our website.
Image [25]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • At "Pages", click "New Page", we can design more interesting pages for our website!
Image [26]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • In the "Articles", click on "Write an article", here we can enrich some content for the site, write a blog, etc., for the site to enrich the content /
Image [27]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
Image [28]-WordPress installation tutorial: quickly build a WordPress site on the Tencent cloud
  • In the "Settings", we will do some of the general settings of the site, such as adding a site Logo, add a webmaster, fixed links and so on.
Picture [29]-WordPress installation tutorial: in the tencent cloud quickly build WordPress website


According to the above steps in this article, I hope you can be from the purchase of cloud servers, server setup, installation of WordPress, SSL certificates to the basic understanding of the WordPress website settings, these are the operation of a good website prerequisite to understand that the subsequent you may also need to learnSEO optimization,Website design and layout,Website Maintenanceand other operations, which are listed on our official website (Photon fluctuation network) all have very detailed tutorials.

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