WP Rocket and Cloudflare Synchronization Setup Guide: Accelerate Your Site and Improve Your User Experience

WP Rocket and Cloudflare are two widely-usedOptimization ToolsThe combination of the two can dramaticallyImprove the loading speed of your website, improve the user experience, andEnhanced website securityThis article will detail how to integrate WP Rocket with Cloudflare. This article details how to integrate WP Rocket with Cloudflare. synchronization, make sure the two work seamlessly to help you maximize performance.

图片[1]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度

introduction (a subject)

WP Rocket respond in singing Cloudflare are two powerful website optimization tools.Cloudflare provides a Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution to help accelerate the loading speed of websites worldwide. And WP Rocket is a caching plugin that further accelerates website performance by reducing server requests and optimizing resource loading.

Cloudflare CDN:please do not Enter Cloudflare CNAMES on the CDN tab or your site will crash!
In addition to Cloudflare, standard pull CDNs can be used as needed; WP Rocket has its own advanced CDN servicesRocketCDNand is also compatible with most CDN providers, includingAmazon Cloudfront, Bunny CDN, KeyCDNetc.

To start using them together, you first need to make sure that your site has been successfully added to Cloudflare and that you have changed your DNS settings to point to Cloudflare.Next, you can follow the steps below to use WP Rocket in conjunction with Cloudflare.

How to activate the plugin

WP Rocket provides a Cloudflare add-on to make integration easier. In the WP Rocket plugin's add-on settings, find the Cloudflare add-on and toggle it to "opens"Status.


  1. Log in to the WordPress backend.
  2. In WP Rocket Settings, go to add-on Page.
图片[2]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度
  1. locate Cloudflare Add-ons and enable it.
  2. strike (on the keyboard) Modify Options button to enter the plugin settings page.
图片[3]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度

On the Setup screen, you need to enter the following information:

  • Global API key: This is the global API key for your Cloudflare account, which can be found on the Profile page of the Cloudflare website.
图片[4]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度
  • Area ID: The zone ID is a unique identifier associated with your domain and can be found in the Cloudflare control panel in the skim through page to find it.
图片[5]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度
  • Account Email: Fill in the email address registered in Cloudflare.

This information will help the WP Rocket plugin connect and synchronize caches with Cloudflare efficiently.

development model

Cloudflare's development mode can temporarily disable Cloudflare's edge cache, which is useful for debugging and viewing changes.

图片[6]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度

Timing of the use of the development model:

  • When you modify cacheable content on your website (such as images, CSS, or JavaScript) and want to view those changes immediately, you canactivateDevelopment model.
  • When development mode is active, Cloudflare will temporarily disable caching until you turn it off or return to the normal state.

optimal setting

When combining WP Rocket and Cloudflare, WP Rocket provides a number of preset optimal configuration options that can be enabled to optimize site performance.

Recommended Settings:

  • Cache level set to standard: Ensure that Cloudflare provides you with the best service for yourStatic content caching enabledto minimize server load.
  • Deactivate Rocket Loader: The Rocket Loader is a feature of Cloudflare that may conflict with some of WP Rocket's features, so it is recommended to disable it.
图片[7]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度
  • Browser cache set to 1 year: This helps to cache static resources and reduce load times.

Relative protocol settings:

If you're using Cloudflare's flexible SSL (your site URL uses the HTTP specious HTTPS), then you can enable the "relative agreement"Settings. This ensures that your Static resources such as CSS, JS, images, etc. are loaded using relative protocolsto load properly under different protocols (HTTP or HTTPS).

Related Agreements

If your site uses the Flexible SSL for Cloudflare(i.e., some resources are served over HTTPS and others over HTTP), you can enable the "relative agreement" setting. This option will use relative URLs (// instead of http:// or https://) when loading static resources, thus avoiding SSL errors and mixed content issues.

Important Notes: If your site is already running entirely over HTTPS, you should not enable this setting.

clear the cache

Whenever you make changes to your website, clearing the cache is a critical step in ensuring that your website users see the latest content. WP Rocket automatically synchronizes cache clearing with Cloudflare, ensuring that Cloudflare's cache is up to date with the content on your website.

图片[8]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度

The way to clear the cache:

  1. When clearing the cache via WP Rocket, theCloudflare's cache is also cleared automaticallyThe
  2. If you have customized caching rules, you may need tomanual clearance Cloudflare Cache.

Manually clear the Cloudflare cache:

  • In the Cloudflare control panel, you can go to the (computing) cache section and choose to clear all caches, or by using the development model Clear the cache.

Cloudflare Cache All Content

Cloudflare provides a feature called Cache EverythingIt will cache all pages and resources, including dynamic content.

Use Cloudflare to cache all content:

If you are using Cloudflare's page rules feature, it is recommended that theSynchronized clearing of WP Rocket's cacheto ensure that there are no issues with desynchronization. The Cloudflare plugin or the official Cloudflare plugin is required to ensure cache synchronization.

Cloudflare APO

Cloudflare APO(Automatic Performance Optimization) is a feature used to optimize WordPress websites to help further improve their loading speed. When you enable APO, Cloudflare automatically caches your page content and accelerates global access.

图片[9]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度

How to use it with WP Rocket:

  • When Cloudflare APO is enabled, WP Rocket automatically works with APO to ensure synchronized cache updates.
  • Every time WP Rocket clears its cache, Cloudflare APO's cache is also cleared, ensuring that content is always up-to-date.

Cloudways' Cloudflare Enterprise Program

If you are using Cloudways' Cloudflare Enterprise plan, WP Rocket may not be fully synchronized with Cloudflare. Since Cloudways does not provide API keys and region IDs, it may be necessary to manually clear the Cloudflare cache or disable WP Rocket's page caching feature.

HTTP/2 Server Push for Cloudflare

Cloudflare's HTTP/2 server push feature can push files to the client ahead of time, reducing resource load times. However, this may conflict with some of WP Rocket's features, such as removing unused CSS.

Incompatibility issues:

  • If HTTP/2 server push is enabled, Cloudflare will preload CSS files, which may be related to WP Rocket's Remove unused CSS feature conflicts. Therefore, it is recommended to disable HTTP/2 server push or avoid using it with WP Rocket's CSS optimization features.
图片[10]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度

fault resolution

Rocket Loader Problems

Rocket Loader be Cloudflare is a feature of Cloudflare that often conflicts with JavaScript code, causing page loading issues. If you are experiencing JavaScript errors or display issues while using Cloudflare, it is recommended to disable the Rocket Loader and clear your cache to see if this resolves the issue.

图片[11]-如何将 WP Rocket 与 Cloudflare 配合使用提升网站性能和加载速度

502 Error or blank page

When Cloudflare flushes the cache, if it encounters a 502 Errormaybeblank page, usually as a result of Query Monitor plugin causes it. Disable the plugin or use the code provided

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